
Mormon Feminists Revolt Against Skirts

by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

Mormon churches looked a bit different yesterday, with feminist-minded Mormon women wearing pants to Sunday services. Apparently, women in pants are still severely frowned on at most Mormon churches. "Wear Pants to Church Day," which launched in 2012, may sound like an office team-building exercise, but it marks "a break with deeply ingrained customs" for women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, according to Reuters.

Though there's no official church dress code — a woman won't be kicked out for showing up in pants — Mormon women say they feel extreme community pressure to wear dresses and skirts to services. "(Mormon) women wear pants all the time, but sometimes at church it feels like we're asked to adopt gender roles that are very traditional," organizer Nancy Ross, 33, told Reuters. "We want to show people that we are active and faithful and that there is more than one way to be good Mormon women."

Here are some images of Mormon women partaking in the event.

Church officials said that "generally Church members are encouraged to wear their best clothing as a sign of respect for the Savior, but we don't counsel people beyond that." We think these ladies look damn good in their pants.

Last week, Catholic women were in the news for ordaining female priests and bishops in Kentucky, even though these ordinations aren't officially recognized by the Catholic Church. Like the Mormon women participating in "Wear Pants to Church Day", their act of gender rebellion was inspired by a desire to reconcile religious and feminist beliefs. This also raises the question...

Image: Wear Pants to Church Day/Facebook