
When Is The Beaver Moon?

by Alicia Lu

By now, you might have heard about an upcoming celestial phenomenon with a very unusual, chuckle-inducing name (if you're like me, and have the sense of humor of a 15-year-old boy). I'm talking about the Beaver Moon, a majestic event named after a majestic animal. A little research will tell you that, as dramatic as its name may be, the Beaver Moon is really just a moniker for the full moon in November. While it may be a totally normal, monthly celestial event, that doesn't mean you shouldn't view the full moon this month and honor the mighty beaver. But when is the Beaver Moon? It looks like it will happen before your tryptophan daze.

According to's full moon calendar for 2015, this year's Beaver Moon will fall on Wednesday, November 25, the eve of Thanksgiving. This is good news. Why? You'll still be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed then, because you won't have stuffed your face with turkey, mashed potatoes, and pecan pie yet. Take advantage of your pre-Thanksgiving energy and head out to the nearest hill or clearing and look up. That's the beauty of viewing the full moon — all it requires is being outside and favorable weather. While you're at it, though, you might as well make it a Beaver date, so bring a blanket, wine, and cheese. Bet you didn't know that beavers are a very romantic animal.

Matt Cardy/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Let's back it up a little. You're probably wondering why the full moon in November is called the Beaver Moon anyway. Why not the Woodchuck Moon? Or the Groundhog Moon? Or, better yet, the Otter Moon (named after a creature even more majestic than the beaver). According to, the story behind the Beaver Moon dates back to Native American and Colonial times. November's full moon is called the Beaver Moon because it signaled the time of year when colonists and tribes had to set beaver traps before the swamps and rivers froze, in order to ensure that humans had plenty of fur to keep them warm through the winter. So I guess it's not exactly a celebration of the beaver after all, but I'd rather roll with that notion instead.


Appropriately, an alternative nickname for November's full moon is the Frost Moon, but that doesn't have the same ring as "Beaver Moon," does it? It also makes you cold just thinking about it. No wonder the powers that be voted for "Beaver Moon," which conjures images of warm, furry rodents — which is, in my opinion, much more worthy of celebrating.