
The Definitive Glossary Of 'Broad City' Terms

by Arielle Dachille

A private language is an integral part of any ride-or-die friendship. So it makes all the sense that our favorite TV bestie duo has a glorious friendship glossary. For anyone who watches the show, the girls of Broad City have developed a vocabulary that many of us have likely carried over into our own lives. Say it with me now: "Yaaaas kween!"

All kidding aside, we've all benefited greatly from Abbi and Ilana's contributions to the dictionary. Thanks to Abbi, you now have a Bed Bath and Beyond shorthand term that rolls easily off the tongue ("BB&B"). Thanks to Ilana, your va-yine-yah has a perfect title indicating its miscellaneous utility ("nature's pocket"). From Lincoln's spot-on nickname of that gorgeous blonde saluki (Judith Light), to the other-worldly Val, this show has its own glossary of terms that need to be committed to the internet. In the name of Bingo Bronson, I'm here to do just that.

And with Season 3 of Broad City now airing on Comedy Central, the list just keeps on growing. Without further ado, we've teamed up with Comedy Central's Broad City to bring you an exhaustive list of terms from Abbi and Ilana's world. Catch Broad City, Wednesdays (TONIGHT!) at 10/9c on Comedy Central or anytime on the CC App!

1. 42 Squirts

Definition: Fro-yo establishment that epitomizes the struggle of being overwhelmed by flavor options.

Used in a sentence: "You can spend hours in 42 Squirts sampling fro-yo, but you might not make it out alive."

2. Al Dente Dentist

Definition: Lincoln's food blog that Ilana somehow isn't aware of, despite being his long-term sex friend. Ilana's suggestion for an alternative name is the al dentist.

Used in a sentence: "Did you see that post about Otto's bucatini carbonara last week on the Al Dente Dentist? Pure poetry."

3. BB&B

Definition: Abbreviation of Abbi's very favorite place on Earth, Bed, Bath and Beyond. As mythology says, their coupons never expire.

Used in a sentence: "I'm gonna hit up BB&B later for this sick sale that's going on. Mama needs some towels and a new pasta maker."

4. Bingo Bronson

Definition: Abbi's favorite childhood cartoon and steward on her tripped-out journey to Whole Foods. Known rabble-rouser.

Used in a sentence: "Bingo Bronson is both my most treasured friend and my worst nightmare."

5. Cha-Chinga

Definition: Trey's all-purpose motivational phrase; slightly misguided mashup of "cha-ching" and "bazinga!"

Used in a sentence: "Carpe Diem! Cha-chinga!"

6. Judith Light

Definition: Actress and producer, two-time Tony award winner. Lincoln's spot-on nickname for this pup.

Used in a sentence: Judith Light is a timeless beauty and regal talent, both in human and puppy form.

7. Kirk Steele

Definition: Trey's adult film star persona; the ultimate early 2000s, frosted-tip, pool-toy fetish hunk.

Used in a sentence: "Nobody rides the inflatable Orca quite like Kirk Steele, if you catch my drift."

8. Nature's Pocket

Definition: The va-yine-yah, which doubles as Ilana's convenient crawlspace to hide her weed.

Used in a sentence: "Along with pleasure and procreation, nature's pocket is perfect for some extra storage."

9. 'SVU'-ed

10. Definition: Being kidnapped and killed, as in Law And Order: Special Victims Unit. Ilana is convinced this happens to Abbi when her phone goes missing.

Used in a sentence: "Why didn't you answer your phone?! I thought you got SVU-ed!"

11. Worldwide Bloodstream

Definition: The internet; an entity with a strong enough current to drown anyone in time-wasting curiosity.

Used in a sentence: "There I was, innocently googling Judge Judy's net worth, and before I knew it, I was swept into the worldwide bloodstream and the whole day was gone!"

12. Soulstice

Definition: Abbi's place of employment. A chi-chi gym replete with Kiehl's bath products and other cushy things that rich people need to exercise.

Used in a sentence: "I wish I could afford to belong to a rich-person gym like Soulstice, but my bank account is more of a Planet Fitness one."

13. Val

Definition: Abbi's cabaret singer alter-ego who only emerges when she gets blackout drunk. Legend says that when Val comes to town, everyone saves on electricity because she lights up the room.

Used in a sentence: "Last night, Abbi drank six Long Island Iced Teas and Val made an appearance. As usual, she was a hot diggity dog and a scalawag to boot."

14. Yas

Definition: A more enthusiastic form of "yes;" Ilana's unofficial catchphrase.

Used in a sentence: "Do I want a bagel? YAS, of course!"

15. Yaaaaas Kween

Definition: The definitive battle cry of all bad bitches.

Used in a sentence: "YAAAAAAASS KWEEN!!" (This is often accompanied by the entire choreography to Nicki Minaj's "Superbass.")

This post was sponsored by Broad City on Comedy Central. Catch Broad City, Wednesdays (TONIGHT!) at 10/9c on Comedy Central or anytime on the CC App!

Image: Comedy Central (2); Giphy (14)