
New 'Breaking Bad' Trailer Is Haunting and Perfect

by Kate Ward

The Season 5 Part 2 premiere of Breaking Bad is only weeks away, and, so far, we know very little about the final season of the acclaimed AMC series. In fact, the only thing we can be sure on — based on reviews of the premiere episode handed out to press — is that it's going to be good. Like, really, really good.

Helping affirm that sentiment is a brand-new trailer for the final season, which premieres Aug. 11. Though the teaser doesn't feature any footage from the fifth season — opting only to use shots of the Arizona landscape — fans are treated to Bryan Cranston's reading of Percy Bysshe Shelley's sonnet "Ozymandias" in Walter White's haunting tone.

Though the reading itself is cinematic enough to satisfy the biggest of Breaking Bad spoiler lovers, we can actually gleam something from the poem about Season 5. "Ozymandias" — inspired by a statue of Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II — centers on the downfall of all great leaders. And one of those leaders, no doubt, includes Walter White, who certainly, at the end of Season 5, doesn't expect to be on the run in a Denny's, sans Heisenberg hat.

But, indeed, "Ozymandias" foretells that when great leaders are removed, there are "Nothing beside remains / Round the decay / Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare / The lone and level sands stretch far away." So what's in store for Walter White? If this trailer is any indication, nothing but ruin, which seems to support the theory that Walt will die with nothing, including family.

It also proves, however, that Walt will end his run as a meth kingpin without an ounce of humility. As Ramesses' deserted statue reads: "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!" Unfortunately for Walt, we'll likely not despair for the reasons he hopes. So much for a happy ending for Breaking Bad's ultimate antihero.