
Gwyneth's Latest Move Brings On A Ton Of Criticism

The Goop founder can't help but receive backlash, no matter what she says or does. Ever since Gwyneth Paltrow announced she's living on $29 for one week as a way to raise awareness for those who live on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the actress has been slammed for trying to do what she might see as the right thing. Last Thursday, Paltrow shared a photo on Twitter showcasing the amount of groceries SNAP gets you for $29 a week. Now, the Oscar-winning actress is being criticized.

It really should come as no surprise that the actress is receiving more backlash than support for the challenge she's taken upon herself, because, well, Gwyneth Paltrow has been criticized more than once in the past for her actions and words. From when she announced her "conscious uncoupling" with now ex-husband Chris Martin to when she talked about working mothers to when she compared Internet comments to a war zone, among many, many other times, Paltrow is no stranger to making headlines for her comments that some might see as insulting and offensive.

So, the fact that is she once again making headlines, not for trying to raise awareness about something important, but rather that she is doing and might be doing it wrong isn't exactly surprising. With that said, here are a few reasons why Paltrow is being slammed for something she probably thought would be praised.

Her Caloric Intake Is All Wrong

Per a piece written on The Frisky, Paltrow's caloric intake while living on a $29 grocery budget is being questioned. Despite Paltrow's items being filled with vitamins, many of those living on SNAP have to get both nutrients and calories, as argued by The Frisky. Based on Paltrow's goods, she'll be getting about 1,000 calories per day. The Frisky writes, "That is, by all means, possible for a week for someone who has the option to be physically active or not. It’s possible for a week for someone who doesn’t have that option, too, actually, but it’s not sustainable over the long term for someone who has limited transportation options, negligible assistance with childcare, and probably a minimum-wage-or-less service job."

Her Grocery Basket Is Just For Social Media Likes

According to an article written for The Washington Post, Paltrow's photo of her groceries is being called out. Some believe it's just another way for Paltrow to showcase her wealth and get her even more likes on social media. The article reads: "The spread looks more like it was concocted to be featured on a glossy Instagram or Pinterest page than to actually provide nutrition. And like everything Paltrow does, it seems to be imbued with evidence of her extravagant wealth."

Her Reality Is Not Actual Reality

Paltrow declared she is "walking in their [SNAP recipients] shoes," but, again, many are finding fault with this. Apparently, reality is not the reality of those actually living on SNAP. Per Kathy Green, the senior director of advocacy and public policy at Capital Area Food Bank of Texas, who spoke with the Guardian, "Looking at what she bought and put on the web is something that would be … not completely realistic for a Snap recipient." Paltrow's representation of food does not match what most recipients would purchase, whereas most buy "what they can get for their dollar," like shelf-stable processed foods.

That said, there are a few individuals who are supporting Paltrow and bashing her critics. According to a reporter for TIME, he understands why Paltrow is receiving so much backlash, but he also feels that she should be getting more praise for raising awareness about poverty and hunger. He explained, "There’s an opportunity for a real conversation about how America treats its poor — but it’s wasted by telling a Hollywood actress that next time she tries to raise awareness, she should get more dried beans."

Paltrow has yet to announce how her week went seeing as she began last Thursday, but if she does there's a good chance that might find her in even more hot water depending on the conclusions she draws.

Images: Getty Images; Giphy