
Hilarious "Hillary A Movie" Tweets

by Melissah Yang

The 2016 election has really become a test of candidates' technological prowess, as both Republicans and Democrats have resorted to taking digs and touting platforms through Twitter, the social media platform that we love-slash-hate. There have also been hashtags intended to mobilize voters, like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' #FeelTheBern, and snarkier ones, like #WhyImNotVotingForHillary, but the latest hashtag, which began trending late Sunday evening, has users poking fun of the Hollywood-ready life that belongs to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. Just take a look at the best "Hillary A Movie" tweets and you've got to admit, there is some solid script material for everything from an Oscar-winning film to a Lifetime melodrama.

As inaccessible as Clinton has been toward members of the press, she's made herself readily available to various social media outlets. Whether it's ramping up the use of her Twitter account months before announcing her candidacy to setting up her Snapchat account and sending out her first Story, Clinton is clearly taking notes from President Obama's social media-savvy 2012 campaign team. But as is the case with any person who's increasingly exposed on the Internet, Clinton was bound to become a hashtag punchline more than once.

Sure, the #HillaryAMovie hashtag had a number of the uber-haters chiming in, but a lot of the tweets did point to legitimate questions about her campaign while having a little fun. From her famous pantsuits to the email scandal that continues to dog her White House run, here are the best Hillary movie suggestions that could be coming to a theater sooner than you think.


Bill Clinton & The Lewinsky Affair

Emailgate & Other Scandals

Bernie Sanders

Hillary The Feminist