
Iman Posts Telling Message On Instagram

by Emily Lackey

It’s a sad day for his fans and music lovers everywhere. It was announced on his various social media accounts that David Bowie died on Sunday, after an 18-month battle with cancer. And in the wake of such tragic news, friends, family, and fans are looking for something to hold onto — something that will bring comfort in this terrible time. If you’re one of those people, then look no further than Iman’s Instagram account. The model and David Bowie’s wife posted a picture on her Instagram account just days before the singer and songwriter died that may give all of us something to cling to in this terrible time. The image is of a simple quote, one worth taking to heart especially in the wake of such tragic news.

In the days leading up to David Bowie’s death, Iman was relatively active on social media, posting pictures to her Instagram account celebrating the star’s career and his birthday just days before his death. But she posted one image in particular that the world should pay attention to. The image is of a quote that reads, “Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” It’s a powerful sentiment, but that we all can learn from to be more present with the people and experiences in our life.

It’s always difficult after someone dies to make sense of what has happened, and finding something positive from such a tragic loss is oftentimes impossible. Iman’s message is simple: to appreciate the people and things in your life while you still have them. It’s so easy to take the moments in our lives for granted until they are gone, but Iman’s post cautions us to do our best to be present as much as possible, and to appreciate the people we have. It's certainly a sentiment I can appreciate.

After all, we never seem to value life more than when someone we love dies.