
This Guy Really Wants His Daughter to Get Married

by Nathalie O'Neill

Cecil Chao Sze-tsung, a Hong Kong property tycoon, is offering a dowry to the man who marries his lesbian daughter, Gigi Chao. He has just doubled the amount he is offering potential suitors, he told the Malaysian newspaper Nanyang Siang Pau, increasing the dowry from $60 to $120 million.

Gigi, 33, is openly gay. She is a respected LGBT activist in Hong Kong and one of the founders of Big Love Alliance, a local gay rights group. Sean Eav, the woman with whom Gigi has been in a relationship with for nine years, is reportedly "distraught" at the news.

The $60 million dowry Cecil Chao was previously offering attracted 20,000 suitors, none of whom did anything to change Gigi's mind. "I don't think my dad's offering of any amount of money would be able to attract a man I would find attractive," she told the South China Morning Post.

"I don't think my dad's offering of any amount of money would be able to attract a man I would find attractive."

Perhaps the funniest part of the story is that Cecil Chao actually says he doesn't want to meddle. “I don’t want to interfere with my daughter’s private life," he told the South China Morning Post . "I only hope for her to have a good marriage and children as well as inherit my business.”

Gigi is taking all this pretty well, given the circumstances. "I understand that he loves me, it's just he's from another time and it's difficult for him to understand the plight of the LGBT [community]," she said. "At the office it's business as usual. At family gatherings we hug and dance. And we just agree to disagree on what marriage is and family is."

Seems like money, after all, truly can't buy you love.

Image: Facebook/Gigi Chao ($64 Million Wife)