
JoJo Takes Her Guys On A Sex-Positive 'Bach' Date

by Nicole Pomarico

As if going on a date with a dozen or so guys at the same time isn't dicey enough, The Bachelorette always finds a way to make them a little more awkward, and Monday night's new episode provides the perfect example. JoJo ended up taking her guys on a date that required them to tell a sex-related story on stage in front of an audience of strangers. It's definitely going to be a huge jump out of a lot of these guys' comfort zones, and there's no way this isn't going to be entertaining. But what's more important about this is the fact that JoJo is being sex-positive on The Bachelorette , and that's a really big deal.

How do I know she's sex-positive? First of all, she agreed to a date like this on national television — something a lot of people wouldn't do even if cameras weren't involved. And second of all, the way she prefaced the date was kind of awesome, too. She admitted that being able to talk about sex is important to her in a relationship, and she wants to see how candid her guys are willing to get. Sex is something that's a part of everyone's life, so why get too ashamed by it?

It's awesome to see that JoJo has this kind of attitude toward what can be an awkward subject for some people, and she's right. It's a part of every relationship, so why not talk about it? Plus, whether or not someone is able to tell a funny or embarrassing story from your past in front of a room full of strangers can tell her a lot about who these guys are. I give the guys props for going along with this date, as weird as it could be. And as a bonus, it was good to see that so many of them have a great sense of humor.

JoJo, keep doing you, girl. If you want a new best friend, I will be waiting.

Image: ABC