
Stop Making Sexist Jokes About Huma Abedin

by Melissa Cruz

Amid allegations of a third sexting scandal involving her husband, Huma Abedin has made the (very wise) decision to separate from serial sexter and disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner. Abedin's announcement of their separation came just hours after The New York Post leaked an alleged exchange between Weiner and an unidentified woman Monday morning, claiming the ex-congressman engaged in sexually explicit conversation while laying in bed with his and Abedin's young son. Despite the top Clinton aide requesting privacy for herself and her family, people have taken to Twitter to share sexist jokes about Abedin, using the scandal as an opportunity to demean her as a woman as well as broadcast Islamophobic comments.

Some Twitter users were unsympathetic that the latest scandal followed years of "long and painful consideration and work" Abedin put into her marriage, as her official statement put it. They used her clear pain as a prop to spout dislike for Clinton and Islam. What's worse is that the leaked image included their four-year-old son, whom Abedin spoke of in her statement on the scandal: "Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life."

But apparently, needlessly shaming Abedin over her husband's sexting scandal is just par for the course for many on social media, as countless inappropriate jokes about her quickly filled Twitter.

It should go without saying that Abedin deserves sympathy during this time, and not the slew of racist and sexist jokes that falsely pin the blame for her husband's cheating on her.