
'OITNB's Laura Prepon May Be Dating Tom Cruise & That's Just The Worst Idea Ever

Well, here's some news that will make Katie Holmes go "Girl, ruuuuuun." According to reports, Orange Is the New Black star Laura Prepon is now dating Tom Cruise. Yep, that's a thing. Prepon and Cruise are both practicing Scientologists and have apparently been seeing one another for about a year, when Cruise took her to a party at fellow Scientologist John Travolta's home. You know what they say: people who join cults together stay together. I mean, I don't know who actually says that, but I have a feeling that it might have been Tom Cruise.

Look, you do you, girl, but I think that Prepon would be much better off with any of these matches.

Here are 7 people who Prepon should date instead.

by Kaitlin Reilly

Topher Grace

Kelso and Jackie are having a baby, so it only makes sense that the ultimate endgame couple gets together IRL as well, right? Eric and Donna were THE ultimate That 70’s Show couple, and, bonus points, Topher Grace doesn’t seem crazy.

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Gerard Butler

Okay, Laura, so you like action stars? We’ve got you a single guy right here who has never jumped on Oprah’s couch.

Caroline McCredie/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Ryan Gosling

He’s everything you’re looking for because he’s everything that anyone is looking for. And he never starred in Vanilla Sky.

Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Taylor Schilling

As much as I know that their Orange is the New Black relationship does not indicate that they are actually attracted to one another offscreen they have INSANE CHEMISTRY and I would be 100 percent behind this union. Also, there is no TaylorSchillingIsNuts.com — but there is this.

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Brian from 'Family Guy'

He’s well-educated, always game for martini night, and listens to jazz. He might be a dog (also a fictional character) but you’d somehow end up needing less therapy after dating him.

Photo: Fox

This Toaster

Does Tom Cruise have a bagel option? NOPE.

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Laura Prepon

Who is better to date Laura Prepon than Laura Prepon? In case you forgot, Laura Prepon, Laura Prepon just starred on a hit Netflix series. She also has a very flattering new hair color. She’ll probably want to go wherever you want to go and do whatever you want to do, which might seem a little clingy until you realize that you’re actually just dating yourself.

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