
Decoding Harry Styles' Instagram Account, Because It Makes Absolutely No Sense

Scrolling through Harry Styles Instagram account is an adventure in the random. The One Direction singer currently has over nine million followers, which is an impressive feat, considering that almost every single one of his Instagram posts reads like an inside joke between Harry Styles and... well, Harry Styles. Luckily, I happen to be a Harry Styles whisperer (note: that's not a real thing) so I've decided to decode some of the "Steal My Girl" singer's most cryptic 'grams. Check out the 17 most bizarre posts and what they could mean.

(You know, maybe. If we really, really think about it.)

Images: Getty Images; harrystyles/Instagram

by Kaitlin Reilly

Exhibit A

Styles is enlightening his Instagram viewers on the medication that they take in their daily lives. His focus on the words “tear at notch” are a subtle, yet important statement about how the world is often divided in their beliefs about ethical health care policy.

Exhibit B

Quite possibly the most meta thing ever. Styles is making his Instagram viewers question whether this photo of a lunch bag can really be considered a lunch bag, a la Foucault’s “This Is Not A Pipe.”

Exhibit C

What does it mean to be a “real man?” Styles questions the conventions of masculinity by posing a dog with this important message. Can a real man cuddle? CAN HE LOVE?!

Exhibit D


Exhibit E

Styles reflects on the fragility of our current energy system. With the clock ticking down on his iPhone, he reminds us that we may need to find alternative fuels if we want to sustain our planet — and ourselves.

Exhibit F

Part one in a two-part series about gender. Styles is clearly questioning the conventions of the two-gender bathroom system. This is concept art at its finest — why should the men’s bathroom door be blue?

Exhibit G

And why should the ladies room be pink? It’s a surprisingly strong social statement from Styles.

Exhibit H

This is a message about consumerism. I’m not quite sure what the message IS, but it’s totally there.

Exhibit I

This could be an Illuminati thing.

Exhibit J

“Open for fun” is clearly an expression of Styles' inner thoughts. It is Styles who is the Ritz cracker in this situation, always open, emotionally, for the next big move. Of course, what happens when the cracker crumbles?

Exhibit K

These bananas represent One Direction. The larger ones are Styles and the rest of the crew now; the smaller ones represent the group’s humble beginnings.

Exhibit L

Styles is now the lone banana. Hmm. Could he be hinting at an upcoming solo career?

Exhibit M

Fame is like a yogurt covered raisin. Sure, it seems like you’re all secure in your yogurt-coated shell (yogurt = the public’s opinion) but all it takes is one day in the sun for your outer coating to strip away, revealing a wrinkled mess underneath. Why do you think so many famous people get Botox? Because they’re all secretly raisins.

Exhibit N

This is the ultimate statement on celebrity culture. Styles is known, but ultimately, not known. He wears the symbol of the celebrity — sunglasses — but the blanket over his face suggests that his persona is not the truth.

Exhibit O

This ghost-like image suggests that reality in itself is an illusion.

Exhibit P

This image illustrates how little we know even our closest friends. At the end of the day, we will never be able to truly get inside anyone’s heads — it’s almost like we are always staring at a photo of someone else’s knees.

Exhibit Q

This is a picture of Styles with a head massager. Because those things are the best.