
J.T. Is Totally Pulling a Leo

To say that Justin is having a moment is like saying the sun is just some star we look at occasionally. J.T. is reigning over pop culture right now. Case and point: Justin Timberlake's new Times Magazine cover story, in which Michael Hirschorn asserts that Timberlake is "playing the long game." It's not hard to prove Hirschorn's case, as Timberlake — who became famous as the late '90s boy band frontman of *NSYNC — continues to hold our collective attention. He's become the real deal, transcending the curse that can so often befall young superstars. And with this black and white photo, which embraces his laugh lines and signs of his 30 years on the cover of the Times Magazine, he's starting to remind of us of another teen-star-turned-pop-culture-standby: Leonardo DiCaprio.

There's a certain level of staying power cemented by allowing oneself to be photographed in a realistic light, showing off new found wrinkles and signs of age. It's not unlike DiCaprio's 2010 cover of Rolling Stone, in which the camera captured him up close with furrowed brow. Both covers show the stars embracing their age as strength rather than — as is often the case in Hollywood — weakness.

For more of images of Timberlake embracing his maturity, head over to the Times blog. (It'll be well-worth your time. Trust me.)