
10 Boner Facts That Are Too Hard To Handle

by Catie Keck

Important news on the male erection front today courtesy of BuzzFeed. “10 Boner Facts That Are Too Hard To Handle” is the trove of penis puns you never knew you needed. And for the amount of space we here at Bustle spend discussing vaginas, it’s only fair we provide you with all you need to know about your partner’s joystick (sorry). And hey, even if penises aren’t your particular source of pleasure, there’s some interesting information here regardless. For instance, you probably wouldn’t guess that a combination donut/licorice scent gets his rocks off. (But let's be real, donut mania knows no gender.)

Check this out: there are actually three types of erections that men experience — reflexogenic, from physical contact; psychogenic, from sexy thoughts and fantasies; and nocturnal, which happens during the REM cycle. Also, additional reasons to quit the cigarettes: apparently smoking (especially at a young age) can make you twice as susceptible to erectile dysfunction as smoking affects your blood flow, and as BuzzFeed points out, “Good blood flow = good erections!”

Check out more below:

Other important facts learned while writing this blog: Try to have a serious conversation while using the word “boner.” I’m not going to tell you it’s hard.

Image: blackboard1965/Fotolia