
Every Life Hack You Need To Shut Down Excessive Sweat

by Erin Kelly
Miyuki Satake

There are tons of things that make me sweat, like public speaking, running a 5k, and sometimes even making the most simple decisions, like choosing a restaurant for a social outing. Sometimes, however, it’s not stress or strain that causes my palms and underarms to produce moisture, but rather some unknown source that I have no control over. Just breathing can often seem to bring about perspiration. While it can be frustrating (not to mention embarrassing at times!), heavy sweating of an unknown cause is not uncommon among adults.

Every woman at one point or another has dealt with her share of sweaty issues — though some women may experience perspiration more seriously than others. Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating beyond what is physiologically required to main normal body heat, affects roughly 15.3 million Americans. And it’s not just experiencing moisture in the most common areas, like your underarms — your palms, soles of your feet, face, and other areas can be affected, too.

Whether you’re having a particularly distressing day, working out at the gym, or simply sweating for no reason at all, take comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone. And while no one should feel ashamed about sweating — we’re all human! — there are ways to deal with it to keep you comfortable and confident. That’s why we’ve partnered with Dermira to put together the ultimate toolkit for dealing with excessive sweating. Below, find a packing guide for dealing with sweat during every scenario, so you can skip the stress and refresh with ease.

For The Casual Work Day

Allison Gore | BUSTLE

No matter what your commute is like, a day in the office almost always gets a little sweaty. Arm yourself with a blotter, like a handkerchief for your face and palms, disposable cleansing wipes to clean up after wiping away brow sweat, and a setting spray to keep your (obviously waterproof) makeup looking its best after a touch up.

In case you perspire more than usual, pack a spare breathable undershirt (a lightweight, cotton tank is probably your best choice), and a dark-colored blazer to throw over yourself in case you need to look presentable (and dry!) in a pinch. Keep yourself smelling and feeling fresh at all times with a rose or eucalyptus-scented misting spray you can reapply whenever the moment feels right.

For A Social Gathering Or Networking Event

Mary Blount | BUSTLE

Whether you’re headed to a girls’ night at your local bar or a corporate happy hour to mix and mingle with coworkers, it’s a smart idea to prepare for excessive sweating if you know you’re inclined. That means your first order of business is applying waterproof makeup. Keep the rest of the night smooth and stress-free by packing disposable blotting papers, toner sprays, and primer to keep your face feeling (and looking!) its best. Arm your bag with sweat guards in case you need an extra layer of protection to combat armpit sweat, and grab some everyday baby powder to absorb excess moisture that may creep up in your shoes, on your scalp, or underneath your clothes.

Pack some extra bobby pins so you can keep your hair from collecting water at the nape of your neck, and keep your favorite scent on standby in case you need a pick-me-up. Pack a spare, dark-colored lightweight sleeveless shirt that won’t expose sweat stains in case you need to change at any point. After all — costume changes aren’t just for celebrities!

For The Gym

Allison Gore | BUSTLE

Let’s be real: All sweating at the gym is excessive! For workout purposes, don’t try to reign in your moisture with small blotting papers or a handkerchief — just pack a towel! In fact, bring two: one for your face, and one for your body. Gym-goers can also benefit from bringing a pair of sports gloves to keep their grip on dumbbells and fitness equipment despite perspiring palms, and wearing a visor and/or headband to keep sweat out of the eyes.

Other things to consider packing? A spare pair of cotton underwear and moisture-wicking socks. And post-gym, stick some deodorizing balls in your sneakers. You (and anyone you meet up with later in the day) will be happy you did! For easy transport, keep all of your items in a handy, water-resistant duffle bag with separate compartments for dirty (and sweaty) clothes.

This post is sponsored by Dermira.

Main image: Miyuki Satake