Help Reunite Pets Rescued From California's Wildfires With Their People — Here's How

The devastation from California's fires — and the growing death toll — is hard to fathom for those in other parts of the country. But there was a bit of good news on Tuesday. Some pets rescued from California's wildfires have actually been reunited with their people. And you can help make that happen by supporting the vets in the field with a donation.
One of the main groups that has had success in reunification is the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. They've been responding to the Camp Fire in and around Paradise, California, rescuing "all animals, big and small." While the animals are in their care — for treatment of singed whiskers, burned paws, and more — the vets have been posting photos on Facebook to help with reunification. And it has worked.
You can make a donation to support the team's work. "Compassion for all animals, big and small, is what we're all about!" the vet school posted on its Facebook account with a link to the donation page. "Our Veterinary Emergency Response Team (comprised of faculty and students) has been in the field every day since they were called upon to assist the animals affected by the #Campfire."
In addition to posting the calls for help with identification and reunification on Facebook, the UC Davis vets are also posting videos of the exuberant owners who've found their lost friends. "Reunited and going home!" the group posted on Facebook when one young boy came to pick up his cat, Robin.
"His boy, Isaiah, had saved Christmas and birthday money to adopt him and his brother this spring," UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine's Facebook post reads. "The family lost everything in the #Campfire, but are thankful to have Robin back with them."
Another way you can help — if donating is not an option — is to share the pictures of the pets whose owners have not been found. The time that the UC Davis vets can help is limited to while the animals are in their care. "If owners are unknown, they are technically the property of county animal services of the county they came from," the group posted to Facebook. "They will remain hospitalized until they are healthy enough to return to those authorities."
That means now is the moment to help reunify. The school posted an album of unidentified pets and has continued to post more as they're found. If you're from the area — or know people who are — you can share the pictures and posts, increasing the likelihood that the owner will come across them too.
And if you like UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine on Facebook, you'll keep coming across their videos and pictures — which lately have been rather uplifting. "Seems like a miracle when this happens," the account posted about two cat reunifications on the same day. "Not many dry eyes."
"These cats are part of the family and when you've lost everything else, that's all that really matters," the post continues. "Please keep these cats in your positive thoughts as they still have more recovery ahead before they can go home."
If you're looking to help the pets affected by the wildfires, donating to this vet school — and sharing their message — is a solid option.