
Here Are Some Familiar ‘Twin Peaks’ Faces

by Kristie Rohwedder

On Thursday, Showtime dropped yet another teaser for Twin Peaks, and yes, it is as intriguing, comforting, spooky, evocative, and mysterious as the Twin Peaks teasers that came before it. And I wouldn't want it any other way. In the latest clip for the revival of David Lynch's beloved series, we see some familiar Twin Peaks mugs. And no, I don't mean Double R Diner coffee.

This teaser really doesn't reveal anything; there is not a single line of dialogue to be found. But that is OK. That is more than OK. That is the most OK. I don’t know about you, but I want to hear and see little as possible about the upcoming Twin Peaks episodes. When I fire (walk with me) (I am sorry, but I can’t help it) up Showtime’s revival on May 21, I do not want to know what I’m getting into, story-wise. I am so sorry to make this all about me, but this teaser really has my back.

Rather than spoil anything about the show, the teaser flashes quick shots of Special Agent Dale Cooper, Deputy Brennan, Deputy Hawk, Big Ed, Carl Rodd, and Sarah Palmer. It has been 25 years since we last saw these six characters, and boy howdy, did I miss them. (Yeah, yeah, I just re-watched Seasons 1 and 2, so I guess it hasn't actually been 25 years since I last saw these six characters. But you get what I mean.) It really is a damn fine cup of teaser.

You thought I’d get through this whole thing without sprinkling in Special Agent Cooper's iconic line? Psh, come on. That one's a sure thing, Shelly.