
Tony Goldwyn Teases Olitz's Future On 'Scandal'

Between Fitz running the country and Olivia donning her white hat all around Washington D.C., it feels as though Team Olitz is nothing but a distant memory as of late. In fact, we're lucky to even get the two of them in the same room with each other at this point. But does that necessarily mean Fitz and Olivia will never get back together on Scandal ? Not if Tony Goldwyn, who plays President Grant, has anything to say about it. Bustle had a chance to chat with the actor at the 2015 Matrix Awards earlier this week, where he firmly acknowledged his support for Team Olitz and even hinted at a potential reunion between these two former flames.

"There's hope," Goldwyn teased. "Never give up hope." And while he wasn't at liberty to give away any spoilers or concrete evidence in regards to Fitz and Olivia's romantic future, he did seem to indicate that their relationship is far from over. "You can feel now that there's little bits of connection [between Fitz and Olivia] that won't be denied," Goldwyn assured. "I can't give you any spoilers, but you will be very surprised by what happens at the end of the season." Color me intrigued! Sure, it may not be an outright confirmation that sparks will fly by the time Season 4's finale rolls around, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Of course, this alone isn't the only indication that this duo may be on their way toward a reconciliation. Only just a few episodes ago, Liv decided to start wearing the ring Fitz gave her many years back, proving that her feelings for the President are not too far out of reach. Looks like Vermont could still happen after all, folks. And as for who Goldwyn himself personally 'ships, he admits that he's a diehard supporter of his character's epic love affair with Ms. Pope. "I love Jake and I love Scott Foley, but I gotta say I'm Team Fitz."

However, possible romantic prospects weren't the only Scandal teaser the star dished out as we edge closer and closer to the season finale. Along with promising it to be an "incredible" final episode, Goldwyn also noted that fans should be prepared to experience two very big emotions: "shock and awe." What that could possibly be in regards to, I have no idea. But rest assured, I definitely plan on tuning in to see how it all unfolds… for both Olitz and the show in general. Get those bottles of wine ready. Something tells me you're going to need it.

Images: ABC; Giphy (2)