
How Much Should You Tip For A Massage?

by Sienna Fantozzi

There's really nothing more relaxing than going to the spa and getting a massage. But you know what's not relaxing? Deciding just how much to tip for your massage. But don't stress (and waste all that money you just spent!) — we've got you covered.

Since a massage is a fairly lengthy service that involves some intimacy, it might seem like it requires a heftier tip than say, the tip you would leave for a pedicure. But that actually isn't the case, and most all beauty appointments are treated equally (which actually makes it pretty simple for you!).

So here is the rule of thumb: 15% is your baseline tip for a massage. If you leave your massage feeling underwhelmed, your therapist skimped you on time, or didn't listen to any particular requests you may have had, then leave 15%. However, if the therapist totally worked out all your kinks, gave you extra time, squeezed you in at the last minute, or just left you feeling ultra zen and relaxed, then leave 20%. Of course, you can always leave more than 20%, it's totally up to your discretion, but never leave less than 15% and you're good to go.

Images: Pixabay; Giphy