Sex & Relationships

11 Summer Dates Inspired By Your Favorite Rom-Coms

I’d picnic in the park à la 500 Days of Summer any day.

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We're all in desperate need of a little levity this summer. So if you're craving a fun, frivolous date, look no further than your favorite rom-coms for inspiration. From picnics in the park to dining in cafes (while pretending to fake an orgasm), here are a few ideas.

Picnic In The Park

Nothing screams romance quite like a picnic in the park, à la Summer and Tom's adorably quirky date in 500 Days of Summer. If you want to literally scream "penis" like they do, well, that'll only make it better.

Listen To Records

If you feel inspired by High Fidelity, and music in general, spend the day shopping for records, then lie around all night listening to them. What could be better than that?

Stroll Around With Ice Cream

Just like Jessica and Helen in Kissing Jessica Stein, spend your date night eating ice cream, strolling the streets, and ending the evening with a kiss. (Maybe skip the argument, though.)

Read Poetry

While you might not go up on stage and perform actual slam poetry before a live audience, you can still bond over your love of words like Nina and Darius in Love Jones by swapping a few of your favorites.

Bury A Time Capsule

Fill up a small box with a few photos and letters, then bury it just like Kyun-Woo and "The Girl" did in My Sassy Girl. Or, simply take a few cute pics together to remember the day, and make plans to look back on them a year later.

Chat On A Park Bench

You can't go wrong with sitting on a park bench, just like Sidney and Dre in Brown Sugar. Because the best dates often don't have a destination or goal, beyond spending quality time together.

Go To A Playground

To tear a page from one of the sweetest scenes in 13 Going On 30, consider going to a playground after dark, swinging on the swings, and having a deep conversation about your relationship. Then, surprise each other with your favorite candy. (Razzles, anyone?)

Have Lunch In A Cafe

We all know the famous scene in When Harry Met Sally when Meg Ryan's character loudly fakes an orgasm in a crowded cafe. Use this as inspiration for a lunch date — simply grab a few sandwiches, then do something ridiculous to crack each other up.

Play Soccer

Invite your crush to kick a ball around in a park. And then make like Jess from Bend It Like Beckham, and show off your fancy footwork.

Take A Pottery Class

In My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Toula is afraid to admit to her family that she's dating someone who isn't Greek. So instead she lies and says she's taking a "pottery class" every time she sees him. Pottery class? There you go.

Go To A Bookstore

Inspired by You've Got Mail, grab your date and head out to support your local bookstore. Peruse the stacks, choose a novel or two, and maybe even start a book club. It'll give you something fun to talk about for weeks to come.

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