Sex & Relationships

11 Dates Inspired By Your Favorite Holiday Movies

Whether you're renting a cottage or baking cookies, it's time to get festive.

by Carolyn Steber
Originally Published: 

There's something about this time of year — the frosty air, decorations, cozy vibes — that practically demands a little extra romance. So don't let the season pass you by without going on a few dates inspired by holiday movies, and getting as festive as possible with your partner.

Stay In A Cottage

To really do it up, make like Amanda in The Holiday and rent a charming cottage for a night. Or, look for a cozy bed and breakfast nearby. Find one with a fireplace, make hot chocolate, and hope for a little snow.

Have A Latke Cooking Competition

Call Me By Your Name might not spring to mind as a holiday movie, but it does feature quite a few Hanukkah activities that you can totally spin into a date. In the end scene, for instance, Mafalda is making latkes. So show off your best recipe!

Decorate Your Apartment

Inspired by Kevin "decorating" his house in Home Alone, spend an evening completely transforming your place by stringing lights, making cut-out paper snowflakes, and lighting candles. The goal should be to make yourselves as cozy as possible.

Stay In & Order Pizza

The holidays can be super stressful, so if you're feeling pressured to make all the best meals and buy all the best gifts, take a break and have a pizza date instead, like they do in Almost Christmas.

Wear Ugly Sweaters

Let Office Christmas Party be your guide as you set out on a mission to find the ugliest holiday sweaters imaginable. Look for attached tinsel, baubles, glitter. Then take cheesy, couple-y photos together.

Go Window Shopping

The scene in Love Actually where Karen and Harry go shopping is a bit fraught, but you can still let it inspire you to bundle up, find a street decked with holiday decor, and peep in some beautiful shop windows.

Volunteer Together

Be kind and giving, like Buddy always is in Elf, and find a way to give back to your community.

Go Sledding

The sledding scene in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation definitely gets a bit out of control, but don't let that stop you from finding a snowy hill and spending the day outside.

Try Snowboarding

Another way to fully embrace the season, perhaps in a way that's almost a bit too sporty? Go snowboarding, like Georgia does in Last Holiday. If it's your first time, just make sure you stick to the bunny slope.

Find The Best Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate is a big deal in Polar Express, so make it a big deal on date night. Buy every variety available and spend the evening figuring out which one is the best. (Don't forget the marshmallows.)

Bake Cookies

If all else fails, you can always pop into the kitchen, pull out some flour, and bake festive cookies. (Perhaps in the shape of snowmen?) Because at the end of the day, the holidays are really just about spending time together.