
Your Guide To Thriving During August's Lucky New Moon

This lunation is extra prosperous thanks to the lion’s gate portal.

The August 2021 new moon is extra prosperous thanks to the lion’s gate portal.
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The August 2021 new moon takes place on August 8 in the warm-hearted sign of Leo. This particular lunation occurs on the same day as the “lion’s gate portal,” aka one of the luckiest days of the year! Want in on the luck? Then you’ll want to follow these do’s and don’ts.

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What Is The Lion’s Gate Portal?

In astrology, the annual “lion’s gate portal” marks when our brightest star, Sirius, aligns with the sun in Leo on August 8 (or 8/8). The number eight, an upright infinity sign, symbolizes abundance in numerology, making it a lucky time to manifest.

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DO: Get Crafty

Prepare to feel a spark in your creative passions under August’s new moon. Now’s the perfect time to get crafty, even if you don't consider yourself to be creative. Channel your inner artist by trying your hand at things like painting, poetry, or even dancing.

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DON’T: Hide Your Art

The new moon will urge closeted artists to be confident in their creative works of art. You’ll be reminded to enjoy the art-making process instead of worrying about how it measures up to others’ work. In other words, have fun with it!

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DO: Embrace Your Inner Child

During the new moon, you'll see the value in being silly. Use this lunation as an excuse to step away from adulting for a bit and immerse yourself in a playdate instead. Do things like dance around to throwback albums or host a water balloon fight.

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DON’T: Be Too Practical

This special lunation will encourage you to dream beyond practicality. Work with the new moon to put your passion projects at the forefront and avoid dismissing your wildest dreams as unrealistic.

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DO: Be Generous

During this lucky lunation, you may feel the urge to give back. Take advantage of this generous new moon and inspire your inner altruist by doing things like donating old belongings to a non-profit or volunteering for a cause you feel passionate about.

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DON’T: Get Sucked Into Drama

With the supercharged energy of the new moon and the lion's gate portal, you'll want to mitigate any dramatic distractions around you. Stay focused on yourself and avoid gossiping or getting involved in the business of others.

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DO: Dream Big

Don’t be afraid to daydream during this lunation! Take this new moon as an invitation to realize your ambitions and work with the lion’s gate portal to manifest them, even if you think it’s impractical.

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