
Your Guide To Thriving During Leo Season

Make the most out of the sun’s ruling season.

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young woman in hat with starfish on the beach
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Welcome to Leo season 2021, aka the astrological version of hot girl summer. From July 22–August 22, Leo’s sunny energy encourages us to follow our passions, express our creativity, and embrace our inner superstars — so you'll want the scoop on the Leo season do's and don'ts.


DO: Be Confident

Leos are known for their high confidence, so if you find yourself feeling insecure this season, just ask yourself: "What would a Leo do?" Embrace some serious main character energy and work on building up belief in yourself. You deserve to shine!


DON’T: Ignore Your Passions

As one of the fire signs, Leo zodiac energy is driven by passion — so this season is an important time to lean into whatever hobbies get you feeling excited about life. No more putting your creative goals on the back burner.

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DO: Enjoy The Sunshine

The sun is Leo's ruling planet in astrology, so it makes sense that Leo season hits during the middle of summer. Honor the sparkly solar power of this zodiac season by making some sun tea or spending extra time outdoors (slathered in sunscreen, of course).


DON’T: Be Overdramatic

Because communication planet Mercury is joining the sun in Leo for most of this season, our flair for dramatics will be highly activated. It's fun to be flashy, but be sure not to take the emotional theatrics too far.

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DO: Indulge In Glamour

Sun-ruled Leo loves to shine and sparkle, so use this season as an excuse to get glammed up. Try out new makeup looks, dress to impress (even if you're just running errands), or have a sexy selfie photoshoot with yourself.


DON’T: Act Selfish

Just as the sun is the center of the solar system, Leo energy has us all trying to steal the spotlight this summer. But there's a difference between loving yourself and being selfish. Keep your ego in check and be humble — those qualities show true confidence.

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DO: Think Positively

The summer sunshine naturally boosts our moods, and Leo season is like the astrological cherry on top. Always optimistic and warm, Leo energy will have all of us thinking more positively about life. Expect good things to happen and be excited about the future.


DON’T: Take Life Too Seriously

Leo season lights up the inner child in all of us — asking us to follow our dreams and shine our light without self-consciousness. Challenge yourself to take yourself less seriously and have some fun being more lighthearted this season.

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