
How To Survive Mercury Retrograde’s Post-Shadow Period

The shenanigans aren't over yet.

A woman wearing vintage checked ensemble and sunglasses, smiling with Mercury in her background

Mercury retrograde ended on Nov. 3, but its post-shadow period, Mercury Retroshade, began, and will last until Nov. 20. Retroshades occur before and after a planet's retrograde. The energy will slowly start to shift back to normal, but not without some hiccups.


Keep Up The Retrograde Precautions

The retrograde's infamous timing delays and mental mix-ups will linger for a couple more weeks during the retroshade. Keep the usual Mercury retrograde tips in mind, like not signing contracts and giving yourself more time to do things.


Stay Away From Gossip

Mercury rules communication, so you should still beware of getting caught up in rumors or falling for misleading info. We'll be expressing ourselves with more ease, but gossip is still likely to be an issue — and secrets could still be revealed.


Process The Retrograde Lessons

Mercury is moving forward again, but it's still slowly reviewing its retrograde path. This gives us a chance to reflect on realizations we made during the retrograde and integrate the lessons we learned.


Check In With Friends

Mercury also rules timing, so in addition to miscommunications, it also brings botched plans. Use the retroshade to check in with friends and make sure they haven't been inadvertently slighted by any retro-confusion.


Avoid Big Relationship Moves

This retroshade begins in Libra, the sign of partnerships, and ends in Scorpio, the sign of emotional intimacy, so lingering mix-ups are likely in the relationship department. Avoid dramatic make-ups or break-ups, as you may regret it post-retroshade.

Revisit Pre-Retrograde Plans

The retrograde energy is slowly breaking up, so look back to what your goals were in September. Do you still want the same things? Now's a great time to start planning how to start making progress.


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