
The 9 Best Quad Exercises, According To Trainers

Work the largest muscle in your legs.

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The best quad exercises, according to fitness trainers.


The quads are a group of muscles located on the front of the leg that help you stand up, climb hills, and accelerate forward, says trainer Becky Codi. Strong quad muscles also protect your knees. To give them a workout, try these go-to quad exercises from trainers.


Split Squat

Codi says this functional squat works one leg at a time.

- Stand with feet hip-width apart.

- Step one leg back.

- Lower down until back knee hovers an inch above ground.

- Keep torso up.

- Drive through front mid-foot to stand.

- Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.



The quads are the primary movers in a classic squat, says boxing coach Lany Herman.

- Feet shoulder-width apart.

- Bend knees, send hips back as if to sit in a chair.

- Keep chest up, knees over toes.

- Hold, then drive up through legs to stand.

- Do 3 sets, 8 to 12 reps.

Getty Images/Rob Lewine

Sissy Squat

This squat heavily targets the quads, says trainer Kristina Enriquez.

- Feet shoulder-width apart.

- Lift up on toes.

- Reach arms out in front of you or hold a bar for balance.

- Sit back to squat, elevate heels.

- Lower heels, push up to stand.

- Do 10 reps, 4x.

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Walking Lunges

Trainer Marshall Weber calls this is his fave quad workout.

- Step one leg forward.

- Bend knees and lower to floor.

- Raise up.

- Step opposite leg forward.

- Lower.

- Alternate to walk.

- Do 2 to 3 reps of 10 steps per leg.


Elevated Split Squats

Yoga pro Jason Deutchman says this move challenges your lower body.

- Stand with bench behind you.

- Rest left leg back on bench, laces down.

- Bend both knees, right knee aligned with front foot.

- Lower hips and back knee to ground.

- Do 3 sets, 10 reps.


Heel Elevated Squat

Trainer TJ Mentus recommends lifting the heels to emphasize quads.

- Place heels on sturdy 1-inch object.

- Drop hips down, allow knees to move forward.

- Keep chest up, drive through heels to stand.

- Hold dumbbell for a challenge.

- Do 10 to 15 reps, 3x.


Leg Extensions

Trainer Basilio Luna says a leg extension machine will isolate the quads.

- On extension machine, slide legs under pad.

- Use light weight.

- Extend and flex your lower leg up.

- At top of extension, flex the knee to lock position.

- Do 15 to 20 reps, 3 to 5 sets.


Goblet Squat

Dr. Grant K Radermacher, DC recommends using weights to activate quads.

- Hold kettlebell or dumbbell at chest.

- Step feet wide, toes slightly out.

- Keep torso upright, drop hips down.

- Knees bend 90 degrees.

- Engage quads to quickly rise up.

- Do 3 sets of 10.


Lunge Pulses

Newton Klein, DC, CCSP says this motion keeps your quads under a constant load.

- Step one leg forward to lunge.

- Lower down, stop just before back knee touches floor.

- Slightly raise and lower quickly to pulse.

- Keep going for 30 seconds on each side.

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