
The 10 Best Stretches For Your Traps

Give your upper back some TLC.

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How to stretch your traps, according to fitness trainers.


The traps refer to the diamond-shaped trapezius muscle that extends from your neck to your shoulder blades, says trainer Emily Higgins, CPT. It can feel tight after a set of back exercises — or if you sit for too long. Here, 11 trap stretches to try, straight from the pros.


Head Tilt

A simple head tilt stretches your upper back, says Higgins.

- Sit or stand upright with a neutral spine.

- Place one hand on your head.

- Gently pull head toward shoulder.

- Feel a stretch in traps.

- Hold for 30 seconds.

- Repeat twice on each side.

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Clasped Hands

Higgins says to focus on rounding your back as you stretch.

- Extend your arms in front of you.

- Clasp fingers together.

- Roll shoulders slightly forward.

- Feel a stretch in upper back.

- Drop head down for a deeper stretch.

- Hold 30 seconds.


Arm Pull

Next up, try this move from Higgins.

- Reach one arm behind back.

- Reach back with other hand, grab your wrist.

- Slowly pull your arm down.

- Feel the stretch in your traps

- Hold for 30 seconds.

- Repeat on your other arm.



Blink Fitness trainer Ronny Garcia suggests this yoga pose to reach your traps.

- Start on all fours.

- Arch your back, look up.

- Hold for 5 seconds.

- Tuck your chin, round back.

- Hold for 5 seconds.

- Continue for 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Doorway Stretch

Use a doorway or other surface for leverage, Garcia says.

- Stand in a doorway.

- Place your forearms on the frame.

- Bend your elbows 90 degrees.

- Slowly lean forward through the doorway.

- Feel a stretch across upper back and chest.

- Hold for 30 seconds.


Cross-Body Stretch

Trainer Michael Hamlin says this is his favorite traps stretch.

- Reach right arm across body.

- Point thumb towards ground.

- Use left hand to gently pull right elbow close to chest.

- Tilt left ear towards shoulder.

- Hold 30 seconds per side.


Mid-Trap Stretch

Physical therapist Dr. Dave Candy, DPT says this move reaches the mid-traps.

- Grab a stationary object like a squat rack with both hands.

- Lean back.

- Allow your upper back to round forward.

- Hold for 15 seconds.

- Repeat 4 times.


Reaching Up Stretch

Whenever your traps feel tight, Candy recommends reaching up.

- Lift your arms overhead.

- Reach up towards the ceiling as high as you can.

- Feel a stretch in your traps.

- Hold for 15 seconds.

- Repeat 4 times.


Bar Hang

This stretch reaches the lower traps, Candy says.

- Stand under a pull-up bar.

- Reach up, grab bar.

- Let yourself hang.

- Hang for 15 seconds.

- Repeat 4 times.


Neck Rolls

Trainer Emily Skye says this move unwinds tight traps after a workout.

- Roll shoulders back and down.

- Tip right ear to shoulder.

- Roll head back.

- Bring left ear towards shoulder.

- Bring chin to chest.

- Complete one circle, then roll head in the other direction.


Child’s Pose

Skye says this gentle stretch delivers a release for your back.

- Kneel on a yoga mat.

- Rest butt against heels.

- Reach arms in front of you.

- Lower chest between thighs.

- Rest forehead on mat.

- Take deep breaths.

- Hold as long as you like.

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