
8 Expert-Approved Calf Stretches For Runners

Beyond putting your toes against the wall.

Warm up your calf muscles so you can move with ease on the court.


The calf muscles play a fundamental role in running, says run coach Marnie Kunz. They’re key for good running mechanics, so if they get tight, they can impede your speed and form. Here are a few calf stretches for runners to try before and after a jog.


Curb Stretch

Kunz suggests doing a 10-minute dynamic stretch — that includes this move — to warm up.

- Prop toes up on a curb or wall (or reach down and grab them).

- Press heel down, lift toes up.

- Feel stretch in calf.

- Hold for 20 seconds.

- Repeat three times on both legs.

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Kunz also likes this move for opening the calves.

- Step forward with one leg.

- Bend front knee so it aligns with ankle.

- Keep back leg straight.

- Feel stretch in your calf.

- Hold for 20 seconds per leg.

- Bend both knees for a deeper stretch.


Seated Band Stretch

Kunz also points to this stretch, which uses a band for assistance.

- Sit with legs extended in front of you.

- Wrap resistance band or towel around feet.

- Pull band to bring toes toward you.

- Hold for 20 seconds.


Foam Rolling

Trainer Maya Monza suggests foam rolling the calves before and after a run.

- Sit with one leg on foam roller, other leg on top of shin.

- Use arms to raise hips up.

- Relax foot, slowly roll along calf.

- Hold for 30 seconds on tender areas.

- Repeat on other leg.

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Downward Dog

Monza recommends doing this yoga stretch after your run.

- Start in a high plank.

- Press palms into ground, pike hips up to create an upside-down “V” with your body.

- Press heels down to ground.

- Pedal heels up and down.

- Repeat for 60 seconds.

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Ledge Raises

Trainer Rob Wagener says this will get your calves ready to work.

- Stand on curb or step with both feet, heels off edge.

- Count to 3, slowly lower heels to ground.

- Hold 30 seconds.

- Count to 3, push up to calf raise.

- Hold 30 seconds.

- Lower.

- Repeat 5x.


Single-Leg Stretch

Wagener says this stretch lengthens the calf muscles.

- Sit on ground, both legs in front of you, toes up.

- Bend one leg in.

- Slowly reach a hand to the straight leg.

- When you feel a stretch, hold for 20 seconds.

- Sit up straight, repeat on other side.


Wall Stretch

Do this to stretch calves, glutes, and hamstrings while improving balance, Wagener says.

- Rest one foot on top of wall, slight bend in knee.

- Reach for toes to stretch calf.

- For more stretch, scoot planted leg back.

- Hold 20-30 seconds.

- Repeat 3 times per leg.

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