Get Ready For Even More 'X-Men'

X-Men: Days Of Future Past is not but a much-anticipated gleam in the eye of moviegoers at the moment, but we've already got the next one lined up: Bryan Singer announced X-Men: Apocalypse today. It'll be the eighth film tied to the X-Men film franchise. Fans of comic book-to-movie adaptations were treated earlier today to the first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Now, we've got an officially impending X-Men: Apocalypse, which is already sending fans of the comic series into a tizzy due to the assumed reference the title is making to comic villain Apocalypse.
Apocalypse's character is one of the earliest known mutants, and he's got the added bonus of a suuuper cuddly name. According to First Showing, Apocalypse is mainly known for his leading comic book role of conquering North American "and enslaving humanity." Yaaaaay!
Singer — who is directing Days Of Future Past — hasn't been announced as of yet as the director for this next movie, but he's the one who made the announcement, so you do the math. The film itself already has a release date, and it is May 27, 2016. The more current X-Men movie, Days Of Future Past, will crash into theaters in all its McFassbender glory.
Image: Sony