These 'RHONY' Moments Are Absolutely Insane
So, if I wanted to keep it simple and sum up all of the Real Housewives of New York 's most insane moments, I'd kindly invite you to take a ride on Ramona Singer's "Ramotional Ramonacoaster." Seriously, Ramona has demonstrated countless instances of dramatic insanity since RHONY's inception in 2008, and her crazed antics don't appear to be subsiding anytime soon. But, since vertigo is absolutely no fun and I have enough time and energy invested in keeping track of these 'wives and their unhinged behavior, we'll take the long route.So, when did the crazy start? Well, let's see... that probably precedes casting, so I'll stick to the onscreen evidence. The thing about the RHONY cast is that their outbursts tend to mirror their locale — and this could not be more true of the NYC ladies. Like the fabled bright lights of NYC, the RHONY ladies' craziest moments are in your face, OMG-that-did-not-just-happen types of situations.
That said, it's rather difficult to capture all of their insanity without at least a week's worth of time to review, categorize and re-watch them in utter disbelief. However, I'm willing to give it a try, because no RHONY fan deserves to go another minute without being reminded of the time Simon van Kempen debuted his red pleather pants, or the first time someone finally called out Ramona's rapidly blinking eyes.Ah, those are such memorable times, but why stop there? Here are eight of RHONY's most absolutely insane moments ever:
1. When LuAnn De Lesseps Decided To Sing

I know, I know, LuAnn de Lesseps — elegance is learned (my friend). BUT, I'm going to stray from my usual decorum here and say that the countess was the absolute last housewife I took for a wanna-be pop star. I just cannot get over it... which is why it must remain on this list of RHONY's insanity-riddled activity.
2. When Ramona Hit The Catwalk

3. When Alex McCord Tried To Stand Up For Herself In Morocco

Ugh. Watching this was downright excruciating.
4. When Jill Zarin Crashed Scary Island

Seriously, Jill?! What on Earth were you thinking?
5. Kelly's Scary Island "Breakthrough"
We'll never really know exactly why Kelly went insane on Scary Island, but it was one of the most uncomfortable, unforgettable Housewives moment.
6. Ramona Throwing A Glass At Kristen Taekman
Even for Ramona, this was way over the top — not to mention, dangerous.
7. When Dorinda Medley Couldn't Handle All The F-Bombs

Apparently, martinis and expletives are the perfect recipe for unhinged behavior.
8. When Aviva Drescher Threw Her Prosthetic Leg

This moment will never get old or not be crazy, so I'm sure no one will disagree when I say that this was hands-down, the most insane moment in Real Housewives history.
Of course, I can't help but love this show even more every time something absolutely insane happens — so hopefully, these ladies keep it comin'.
Images: Giphy (3)