
Man Proposing To Boyfriend Gets Church Ovation

by Kat George

It turns out religion can be inclusive, as this man proposed to his boyfriend at church and received a standing ovation from the congregation. Trevor Harper got down on one knee in front of the whole congregation at First United Methodist Church of Austin to propose to his boyfriend of nine years, Davis Covin. Both men have been active church members for the past two years, and when they were invited to share their faith story in front of the congregation, Trevor saw it as an opportunity to propose to his love.

Trevor told BuzzFeed News about the First United Methodist Church's support of same-sex couples. “That church has been, for us, really the first time we have really been able to live out loud as a couple,” he said. On the YouTube posting for the video, Trevor writes:

"This is a church that has welcomed us and changed our lives. All are welcome, no exceptions. As members of this incredible church family we have grown as Christians, individuals, and as a couple... Your sexuality does not define your right to live a spiritual, Christ-filled life. We are instructed to love and it is that simple. We are blessed beyond our wildest imagination."

What's more beautiful than that sentiment? It's something that perhaps all religions should adopt into their doctrines, in order to give people the right to enjoy a peaceful, love filled life free of arbitrary spiritual judgement. Despite the Texas church's openness to Trevor and Davis, the United Methodist Church at large still doesn't allow same-sex marriages to be performed by their ministers, which is upsetting, but hopefully isn't a stance that will last long given that certain congregations are so spirited in their acceptance of marriage equality (and hopefully will be upturned by the time the couple walks down the aisle next year).

Watch the beautiful proposal below, and be heart warmed and thrilled by the smiles and cheers from onlooking parishioners:

Now because I'm all heart-warmed, let's take a moment to celebrate how awesome Trevor and Davis are:

1. They're So Cute They Even Look Good Ironing Together

2. They're Helpful To The Community Together

3. The Couple That FroYos Together Stays Together

4. They Crush Date Night

5. They're Our Couple Travel Goals

Ain't love grand?

Images: YouTube