Here's What You Should Wear For Netflix-And-Chill

What does romance in the Tinder Age look like? Ideally, something like Opening Ceremony's Netflix-themed spread, a photoshoot that proves that in fashion, even staying in, watching movies, and maybe, just maybe, getting lucky is still a time to shine.
"Netflix and chill" has become (very loose) code for "Hey, wanna save time and money that we'd spend on a real date and maybe just hook up, instead?" (Cue the endless memes channeling that unmistakably thirsty look one person gives the other twenty minutes in to the movie.) But, hey, it's still technically a date, right?
Opening Ceremony photographer, binge-watcher and reluctant Real Housewives enthusiast Matthew Kelly captures a pair of twenty-something Netflix enthusiasts on one such date. There's minimal hair and makeup and the shoot is lit only by the electric glow of television sets and laptops. But besides the creeping sense of recognition of the blank, sedated looks on the models faces as they watch the entire season of Narcos in one go (is that what I look like?), what is really striking are the clothes — sourced from Opening Ceremony, of course.
Because if you're not wearing Dries Van Noten, Robert Clergerie and Issey Miyake to watch TV you're doing it wrong.
Even though the underlying theme of the shoot is "trance" (not like the dance music, like what happens to you when you're seven episodes into Season Two of The Blacklist) it helps to know that when (if) you snap out of it, your outfit — down to the accessories and shoes — is pretty fly.
Here are some Opening Ceremony necessities, straight from the spread, for a night of Netflix.
1. This sweater with long (I repeat looong) sleeves
Perfect for hiding the remote.
2. A cozy, fuzzy scarf
Doubles as a blanket for sleepovers.
3. This versatile — and hard to remove — bodysuit
Hard to take off, for when you really want to avoid temptation at all cost.
4. A warm and inviting shrug
Wearing this makes an innocent "You can rest your head on my shoulder while we watch" an offer no one can refuse. Acne Studios, $680
Head over to Opening Ceremony's blog to see the full spread, cheekily titled "Are you still watching?"
Images: Opening Ceremony