Sex Positive Ceramics Are Your New #KitchenGoals

Because we could all lighten up a little bit, these sex positive ceramics are here to help. From Pansy Ass Ceramics, the artists proclaim they are "Two Toronto boys making your Grandma's vintage china & tchotchkes just a bit more gay!" I will get a Ru Paul style "Amen!" to that. The ceramics, from a distance, all look like the kitschy kind of things you'd find at your granny's house: figurines of little girls in sweeping dresses and bonnets, plates with illustrations of royalty, and cookie jars and vases in the shape of things like fruit and swans. But then you look closer, and everything is much, much more exciting than you expected it to be.
Floral trimmed plates having line drawings of men blowing each other on them. Others depict sex acts between parties of more than two people. There's girl on girl and guy on guy. There are plates that just say "Queer". The collection has a very directional, sex positive message. It takes the taboo and mixes it in with the most mundane of homewares to challenge the notion that brazen sex and domesticity make unhappy bedfellows, while calling out outdated traditional ideals about the home and homosexuality to make us question our sense of propriety. And if you ask me, some of the tacky vintage grandma ceramics are far more eyebrow raising than one man coming in another man's mouth.
Here are some of the best and brightest creations from Pansy Ass Ceramics, which you can buy at their online store. (I'm keeping this post safe for work so we can all appreciate the glory, so if you want to see some of the naughtier art check out the site, maybe when you're home from work.) Each piece is hand-painted and one of a kind, so you'll have something very, very unique for your home collection.
1. I Can't Decide If I Want To Buy Felicia...
2. ... Or This Juicy Bottom
3. WAIT, Maybe I Want The Kween?
4. An Incredible Double Entendre
5. Instructional Tea Cups
6. Princess Diana Forever
7. An Amazing Pun
Images: Pansy Ass Ceramics/Instagram