Mom's Back To School Instagram Slays Parenthood

Because moms love embarrassing their kids, this mom posted a hilarious back to school Instagram with her daughter. Which, if you ask me, might be the kind of thing you find embarrassing as a teen, but I think is absolutely fabulous, and makes this mom super cool. Or maybe I'm just getting older so mom humor appeals to me more. Yeah, OK, I'm a full blown dag. But I'm OK with that because daggy people have more fun. Like Jessi Kittrell, the mum of the year in the aforementioned Instagram. (Editor's note: "Daggy" is Australian slang for basically calling your parents ~unhip~, and America needs to adopt it immediately.)
In her robe and slippers, Jessi, who is a professional photographer (check out her site, Happy Acres Photography), poses with her ridiculously adorable daughter, who pouts in a cute sun dress on the top step. Jessi appears elated for her daughter to be going to kindergarten, in the way that mums are (mine called in sick to work followed me around the whole day with a video camera), but also because she gets to have some much needed alone time. (Despite loving her child very much, every mother deserves some peace and quiet from time to time. They're people too!) The daughter sticks her bottom lip out in that way that kids do when they have to do boring things like school or eating broccoli.
The best part? Jessi holding up a sign that says "Bye Felicia!" I take back what I said about Jessi being a cheesy mom. Because a mom making Friday jokes is pretty much as rad as it gets.
Unfortunately, Jessi faced some backlash over the Instagram photo from her daughters first day at school. Absolute horrible Internet trolls were complaining about the little girl pouting in the picture. For starters, it's a joke picture, and the little girl was obviously in on it, and not actually sad, because how could you be when your fearless and talented mother loves you so much? When I reached out to Jessi about the photo, she alerted me that she had actually posted before and after shots of her daughter to her Facebook page as well. Here's the day before her daughter started kindergarten, but be warned, it's pretty cute, and you might die from cute overload:
The after shot was from the day after, and Jessi posted it in response to the trolls. She wrote, [sic] "Sweet Bug on her second day of kindergarten, no I am not going to post a pic of her every day she goes to school but I thought after some of yesterday's negative comments about her clothes, her pouting, and even some personal attacks on me I would post a fun cute picture of her and her personality (and her cute fashion sense too, lol)."
The lesson here is don't attack children on the Internet, and try to have a sense of humor about funny jokes. Bye Felicia!
Images: happyacresphotography/Instagram; Happy Acres Photography/Facebook (2)