Here’s How Karlie Kloss Gets Ready For NYFW
Looks like a certain supermodel is taking a break from hitting the books to raid the Vogue offices! Karlie Kloss stars in a new Vogue Video, where she is tasked with prepping the magazine for its takeover of the YouTube NY space during New York Fashion Week, where, according to Kloss (and seconded by Anna Wintour) the plan is simple: "To create lots of great videos."
The long and lean model is no stranger to filmography. With her own YouTube channel, Klossy, as well as plenty of video content, workout videos, and commercials under her belt for Vogue, Self, Well Dunn, Express, and other fashion staples, she positively shines on screen. (But really, what did you expect?)
Even though in this video she's reporting to Vogue for some heavy lifting, Kloss' "off-duty" look is a lot different than most models' requisite head-to-toe black. She shows up looking Anna Wintour-approved in a blue wrap dress and white tennis sneakers as she facetimes Vogue's commander-in-chief to strategize for the magazine's YouTube close-up. But alas, there's no one there to appreciate her chicness; it's not long before she realizes she's going to have to do it all on her own.
First, she FaceTimes Anna Wintour
"Alright Anna," she starts. (Whoa. Are you allowed to talk to her like that?!) Apparently unfazed, the Vogue editor chats with Kloss about the plan for getting the magazine over to the YouTube headquarters. Wintour instructs her to grab everything they need.
Then she looks around for help
Kloss searches the entire office, including all the conference rooms, but there are quite literally crickets chirping. "There's no one to help me!" she tells Wintour. "It's summer friday, Karlie, what do you expect?" Wintour retorts, flipping her polished bob ever so gently. OK, point taken.
So she uses all her lifelines... phone (well, FaceTime) all of her industry friends. She calls Casey Neistat about camera equipment and chats with Doutzen Kroes about which beauty products to pack for Vogue's beauty challenge.
Then, she does what every single one of us has fantasized about...
...and breaks into Vogue's fashion closet, with a little help from Michael Kors, who, as it turns out, has an affinity for breaking into sacred spaces. (More on that later!)
But all those accessories prove to be quite distracting.
She tries on sunglasses, stacks on hats, and sniffs a pair of fuzzy blue shoes.
She also placed a call to Jordan Dunn, who wasn't exactly helpful; she was too busy laughing hysterically at Karlie's hat game.
So she makes some more calls.
To Jason Wu, Arlenis Sosa, and Christy Turlington. Doutzen did not approve of her selfie accessories. "Karlie, don't even consider bringing a selfie stick," she said. Spoiler alert: She brings it anyway.
She "borrows" some books for herself.
See? She is studious!
Then she raids Anna Wintour's office for some art... the urging of Michael Kors. Told you he was bad!
And seven hours later...'s finally all done. As she sits in front of a massive pile of props reading the mag's September issue, she realizes, perhaps, some editing would have been a good idea. You can check out the whole video in the link below.

Images: Vogue/TheScene