7 Tips For Buying Jeans Online (That Actually Fit)

I don't know about you, but I love online shopping. Stocking my wardrobe while lying on my couch in my pajamas, large glass of red wine in hand reminds me how good the internet is to us, y'all. There's one exception to the rule, though. Figuring out how to shop for jeans online is a shopaholic's worst nightmare. *Collective groan.*
And, because they're pretty much impossible to buy online, we're forced to deal with stressful groups of fellow shoppers, pushy salespeople, checkout lines, and the seemingly inevitable emotional hangover that comes with picking your body apart in a teeny dressing room, right? Maybe not. Guys, I have seen the future, and it is glorious: maybe we can buy jeans online.
Sure, it's trickier than buying, say, a shirt or a pair of shoes, but that's not to say it can't be done. There may be a learning curve when it comes to getting it right, too, but think about all of the time you'll save once you're officially an online shopping master, denim and all!
Seriously, though, all hope's not lost — we chatted with Nicole Najafi, founder of Industry Standard denim, to come up with some tips for your virtual jeans shopping escapades. Industry Standard's cute, classic styles are only sold online, so she knows a thing or two about what to do and what not to do.
Here are seven things to consider when you're buying denim online:
Check Out The Size Chart
Kimmi Slim Boyfriend Jeans, $69, ASOS
Compare your measurements to the brand's size chart, and see if it has a note that says which size the model is wearing. "That will help to place your size visually," Najafi says. I, of course, am not even close to the jeans size of the average model, but it's still helpful to have a visual base to go off of. (Industry Standard even has a size quiz that'll help you find a starting point.)
Choose The Right Style
Margot Midrise, $105, Industry Standard
Some denim styles are easier than others to buy online. "I think skinnier styles tend to be easier, as they're fitted all around," Najafi says. I can attest to this: my effort to buy boyfriend jeans online didn't end well for me. But a straight leg or skinny cut? Surprisingly, more user-friendly.
Don't Ignore The Fabric
City Chic 3-Button Boot-Cut Jeans, $89, Nordstrom
"We're often so fixated on fit that we overlook fabric, which is just as important," says Najafi. "A cheap denim won't last long." She recommends avoiding jeans with a lot of viscose. If you're looking for a little give, up to 3 percent elastane will give you a good amount of stretch.
Contact The Brand
BDG Girlfriend High-Rise Jean, $69, U rban Outfitters
Still dazed and confused by your options? Reach out, advises Najafi. "If a brand has good, attentive customer service, you can email and ask for their recommendation. Usually the smaller brands are most helpful in that way."
Read The Comments
712 Slim Jeans, $78, Levis
Granted, this isn't good advice for many things on the internet, but if the site you're buying your jeans from has a comments section, they can help shed some light on fit and quality. Looking at other peoples' experiences can help you determine whether to size up, what a wash looks like in person, or whether you should just move on to another option.
Buy Two Sizes
Basic jeans, $30, Zara
If the retailer has free shipping and returns, make your home a personal dressing room and order a couple of sizes. That way, you don't have to worry about ordering a different size if the one you got isn't right — just send back the no-go.
Ignore The Number
The Odette Midrise, $125, Industry Standard
Size really is just a number, and every pair of jeans is different. Compare your measurements to a size chart to get the most accurate estimate. "I think we often pay too close attention to the number of the size instead of the sizing of the brand," says Najafi. "Try not to be discouraged if your size in a brand is not the size you're used to wearing; it doesn't suddenly mean you're suddenly bigger or smaller. You're still your gorgeous self." Word.
Images: Fotolia; Courtesy of Brands