Justin Bieber Struggles To Shotgun A Beer
Normally, I wouldn't think that Justin Bieber and I have too much in common. But after Bieber shared a video of himself struggling to shotgun a beer, I suddenly realized that J.B. and I may have more similarities than I thought. Among my college friends, I am notorious for barely finishing one light beer, and a Corona (and a Corona in a can, no less) is pretty much as light as you can go. It's a beer that is barely a step above water — a sentence I say that with the utmost respect and affection, as College Me and Vacation Me was (and still is) all about dat #CoronitaLife. And even though Bieber actually did manage to chug the whole thing, which is way more than I can ever say for myself, the pain on his face tells his struggle. Which is equal parts hilarious and "Who the eff cares?" because in all seriousness, J.B. can do way more impressive things than shotgun a beer.
The Biebs, who blamed his less-than-desirable chugging skills on the fact that he never went to college (a fair point), may be getting called out all across the Internet right now, but the reality is that the kid has so many more (and more important) talents.
As anyone who watched the life-changing Bieber documentary Never Say Never knows, the Biebs is a straight-up renaissance man. Sure, his skills may not involve chugging a beer in one go, but when you're Justin Bieber, do you really need that talent under your belt? No. No you do not. Just check out some of the things he can do better than the average college frat bro below.
1. Solve A Rubik's Cube In Under Two Minutes
Who needs any type of math class when you can do something this impressive? Admittedly said by someone who hates math and once got a 37 on a stats test in college, holla. But seriously this is actually awesome. Go Biebs.
2. Rap Like A Boss
I may watch this video on a daily basis. Kid can rhyme!
3. Drum Like An Even Bossier Boss
Say what you want about Justin Bieber, but he is seriously musically inclined.
4. Slay The A Cappella Game
To quote an anonymous YouTube commenter, "Damn, that little sh*t can really sing." Sure, there are tons of talented guys in college a cappella groups across the country, but how many of them actually "make it?" Which brings me to my next point...
5. Get Discovered On YouTube & Become One Of The Biggest Pop Stars On The Planet