Striking a good work/life balance is not an easy task, as most of today's busy members of the workforce can attest to. But there's hope! Some career fields allow you to find your work/life balance more easily than others — and Glassdoor has a pretty good idea of what they might be, thanks to its recent ranking of the 25 best jobs for healthy a work/life balance. It's nice to know that you don't have to live to work if you don't want to.
Finding the coveted work/life balance has become more challenging in recent times. Glassdoor reports the average work/life balance satisfaction rating went from 3.5 in 2009 down to 3.2 in 2015; so, in essence, it's becoming harder for us to find a happy middle ground where we feel satisfied both personally and professionally. That's where this report comes in. Using employee feedback that workers shared with Glassdoor in the last year, the job site analyzed the average satisfcation rating that workers in various fields had on a five-point scale; they also tracked the salary prospects for each job and the number of open positions available in those industries.
If you're looking for a change, the final results might be a good piece of criteria to consider when you make your next move. Take a look at the top 10 jops below, but make sure to head over to Glass
So without further ado, let's take a look at the top 10 jobs to make this list, but make sure to head over to Glassdoor for the full report.
10. Web Developer
Web developers have the 10th best work/life balance, with a self-reported satisfaction rating of 3.8 and an average salary of over $66,000. There are also a huge number of job openings — 2,117 on Glassdoor in the past year!
9. Marketing Assistant
In ninth place are marketing assistants, who also have an average work/life balance satisfaction rating of 3.8. They do, however, bring in a lot less income at an average of just over $32,000.
8. Digital Marketing Manager
If you love social media and want to find a better work/life balance, perhaps you should consider a job in digital marketing. These employees report their satisfaction level at 3.9 out of five, bring in an average salary of just over $70,000, and have a pretty good amount of job positions available, with 640 on the Glassdoor site last year.
7. UX Designer
UX designers make over $90,000 a year on average and also have a self-reported work/life balance satisfaction rating of 3.9.
6. Recruiting Coordinator
In sixth place are recruiting coordinators, whose work/life balance strikes an average satisfaction rating of 3.9 out of five. Although they do bring in a little less income, with the average person in the field making just over $44,000 per year, sometimes, money is the price you pay for happiness.
5. Substitute Teacher
Next up are substitute teachers. They also give their work/life balance a rating of 3.9, although their salary could stand to be a lot higher, as the average substitute makes only about $24,000 per year.
4. Social Media Manager
Even though they are constantly on social media, these managers find a way to make their jobs fit into their lives well, with an average reported work/life balance of four out of five. There are also agood number of positions available in this field; there were 661 on Glassdoor alone in the last year.
3. Talent Acquisition Specialist
Otherwise known as headhunters, talent acquisition specialists also report a work/life balance rating of four out of five. They also pull in a pretty nice annual salary of over $63,000 a year and have a lot of open jobs, with over 1,100 on Glassdoor in the last year.
2. SEO Manager
SEO managers came in second place, with a self-reported high work/life balance rating of 4.1 out of five. Although the industry is complex, they only make $45,000 a year on average; they also don't have a whole lot job openings, with there being just 338 in the last year in this field on Glassdoor.
1. Data Scientist
And the top spot goes to... data scientists! Those who work in this capacity have it all, as they report a work/life balance as being 4.2 out of five on average, make almost $115,000 a year on average, and have had over 1,300 openings in the field in the last year on Glassdoor. Maybe we should all start studying data to find our holy grail work/life balance!
Image: Pexels