Embracing Mastectomy Scars With Stunning Art

In honor of October 19, the official Fight Against Breast Cancer Day, this video inspires women to embrace their breast cancer scars. Made by Totuma and "Dedicated, with love, to all those whose lives have been touched by cancer", the video uses vibrant images as metaphors for breasts, some symmetrical, and some not so much so. The video, created for a Breast Cancer awareness campaign for LIFETIME Latin America, emphasizes that beauty still exists even after a mastectomy has been performed. As women reveal scars behind perfectly round fruit, you'll be moved, perhaps like I was, to tears, thinking about the ways we judge our bodies, when really, we are so lucky just to inhabit them.
The caption with the video reads,
"It has been an intense journey, full of strong emotions and feelings. We only hope our little campaign contributes somehow to educate and create awareness on the overwhelming statistics: 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer over their lifetime. Please take care of yourself, make monthly breast self-exams to help you be familiar with how your breasts look and feel, so you can alert your healthcare professional if there are any changes. Early detection is key."
The video ends on an extremely moving note: "Never be ashamed of a scar. It just means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you." Here are some beautiful moments from the video:
1. The Colorful Fruit!

2. It's All Pretty And Symmetrical

3. Until It's Not

4. And Things Start To Hurt

5. But Scars Are As Beautiful As The Fruit

Watch the whole thing below:
Images: Vimeo (6)