Instagram won't let you flaunt so much as a nipple; posting an NSFW pic on Facebook (and Facebook often counts same-sex kissing as NSFW) will get you locked out of your account for untold days; Twitter, while pretty sex- and body-positive in its content restrictions, isn't a great medium for sharing photos and video; and Tumblr, endless porn utopia, doesn't quite have the ease or convenience of the other three. Enter Uplust a new site for sharing NSFW photos and video, just like you would share on any other social media platform.
Part social media experience, part porn source, Uplust is dedicated to giving you a safe and fun space to share artsy/raunchy/whatever erotic photos and video on a social media platform.
Uplust points out that it's "unlike Tinder, which is a 'hook up' app, or Pornhub, which showcases studio-produced films," preferring to describe itself as "the first uncensored social media site that allows users to upload, edit and share sexy pictures and videos."
Interestingly, a representative for Uplust tells Bustle that the majority of its usership — 65 percent to be exact — are women, 15 percent of whom self-identify as bisexual. This isn't totally surprising, considering that women are heavier social media users than men in general, but Uplust chalks their success among women up to the fact that they're giving women back control over how their bodies are presented.
"Because it's not studio-produced porn, [the site] puts women in control of their bodies, and doesn't reinforce unrealistic body types," the rep told us. "There's also a significant transgender presence on Uplust, which I think is really interesting in light of the Instagram controversy."
The Instagram controversy being referred to here, is the platform's vague policies and guidelines that often unfairly target transgender users' content for being "obscene," while allowing similar content from cisgender users to slide. This discrimination plays out over and over again on Instagram, not just against trans bodies, but also against fat bodies versus thin bodies, disabled bodies versus abled bodies, and, of course, female nipples versus male nipples.
Here are four other things to know about Uplust:
1. It Works Like Any Other Photo-Sharing App
Uplust isn't trying to reinvent the wheel and devise with a whole new language of how to interact with social media. You simply upload a photo or short video that will loop, apply any filters, caption, or hashtags that you want, and then other users can heart, share, or comment on the post, just like on Twitter or Instagram. Part of its brilliance is that users will already be fluent with its interface.
2. What Else You Can Do On It
Uplust has some additional Facebook-esque features, like sex-themed games, and a token system, which you can buy and then use to "pay" other users for certain content you've requested. The app also prompts users with weekly community "challenges," which could also earn you tokens if you win one. Earned tokens can be cashed out for real money, too.
3. It's Not For Porn Stars
Well, porn stars could get an account like anyone else, but the point is, the site is not exclusively for porn stars. It's a place for regular people to share their erotic selfies, just like Instagram is a place for regular people to share their amateur food photography.
4. You Can't Download The App In The App Store Or On Google Play
You can't download Uplust in the App Store or Google Play. But the good news is, the site is optimized for mobile use, and you can download the app by visiting the website.
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Images: Fotolia; Uplust