7 Best Snow Boots To Tackle The Slush In
When it comes to living in a city where the snow comes down hard in the winter, there's nothing more important than finding the right boots. To make sure your feet stay comfy, dry, and warm this season, I've pulled together the best snow boots to walk in. Whether you're facing a fresh, powdery snow or layers and layers of the stuff, these boots will take care of you.
Amanda Fenn, senior review editor for Outdoor Gear Lab, shared the key things to consider when shopping for snow boots are "fashion versus function, tall versus short boots, and performance and comfort." Obviously, you need to really stop and think about the kind of conditions you expect to face in your boots (i.e., will you be braving a few inches of snow each day or a few feet?), and go from there.
Oh, and a word to the wise, don't put off shopping for snow boots if this is going to be your first real winter. I waited until mid-December to purchase snow boots in Manhattan because I was apparently in denial that it was actually going to get cold. To say the least, this was a bad idea because I had pretty slim pickings. Consider snagging one of the best pairs of snow boots below if you haven't already!
1. 1964 Premium LTR Boot
Sorel Premium LTR Boot, $113, Amazon
Every snow boot from Sorel is a winner, and this felted wool-lined waterproof ankle boot is no exception.
2. Simmens
With waterproof leather, a plush wool lining, and "Spider Rubber" outsole, you won't be slipping around at all.
3. Thermoball Apres Boot
The North FaceThermoball Apres Boot, $114, Amazon
Give your feet the comfort of down along with a WinterGrip sole with these boots that are perfect for trekking through legit snow.
4. Joan Of Arctic Knit Boot II
Sorel Joan Of Arctic Knit Boot II, $120, Amazon
A more extreme Sorel boot, this one features a vulcanized rubber herringbone traction outsole. I don't even fully know what that means but it sounds super impressive!
5. 'Porto' Waterproof Winter Boot
'Porto' Waterproof Winter Boot, $135, Kamik
Made of waterproof Dri Defense fabric, these will keep you warm and dry in down to minus 25 degree weather! Yowza.
6. 'Shearwater' Waterproof Duck Boot
'Shearwater' Waterproof Duck Boot, $80, Amazon
Waterproof and with microfleece lining, this is the perfect boot for a stroll through the city after a light snow.
7. Foldover Bootie
Foldover Bootie, $109, Amazon
Versatile, cute, warm, and waterproof, reach for these if you're heading out in not-too-cold snowy weather. The bottom grip ensures you won't slip!
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Images: Courtesy of Brands