What Would You Do If Your Child Were Gay?
Different countries around the world have different sentiments towards LGBTQ communities, with some being far more accepting than others. In order to find out how the general attitudes of some countries measure up, YouTube channel Culture Beats grabbed their cameras and traveled to places around the globe, including Ireland, UAE, Russia, Turkey, Australia and Norway, with the goal of asking adults a simple question: What would you do if your child were gay? Of course the sentiments of those who were filmed for the resulting video don't necessarily align with the feelings of a country overall — the world is a big place, after all — but the responses were mostly supportive, which is ultimately pretty encouraging.
To put the responses in context, it's useful to look at existing legislation surrounding LGBTQ issues, specifically at gay marriage laws. As of October 2015, there are a little more than 20 countries around the world where gay marriage is legal, including the United States, Canada, most of Western Europe, South Africa, and many parts of South America like Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. On the other hand, there are sadly still countries in the world where it's illegal to be gay. In most African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian countries, for example, being gay can be punishable by death.
Some respondents certainly seemed to be influenced by the laws, preexisting beliefs, or cultural reactions their countries had towards gay people. Despite the laws of their home countries, though, here's what some people had to say about the diea of having and raising a gay kid. Scroll down to watch the full video.
1. Austria
One woman from Austria said she would love her kid no matter what because "it is not a decision he made." She noted that she believes her gay child would be born that way, and just as deserving of love as any other child. Yay! Go, lovely Austrian lady!
2. Norway
More support came in from this Norwegian lady, who said she would love her kids no matter what their sexual orientation was. "It doesn't matter for me," she said.
3. Turkey
The woman from Turkey said it would certainly have to be something she would think about; later, however, she was ure she would accept it. Though I believe a parent should always love their child, it's fair that a mother would want to give her child's sexual orientation some thought to better understand it.
4. Iran
The dude from Iran seemed a little conflicted. On one hand, he said he would be sad because he would want his son to have a wife and his daughter to have a husband. On the other hand, he thought maybe he would eventually accept it. His stance could certainly also be better, but it could also be worse.
Check out what people from other countries had to say below:
Images: Culture Beats/YouTube (4)