The Disney Channel Is All You Need This Christmas

If you're like me, you probably have a list of favorite Christmas movies and TV specials that you watch every year. You know, the classics like It's A Wonderful Life, or National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, or maybe all of the claymation films (just a guess). But I bet there's one facet of holiday must-sees that you totally forgot about: Disney Channel holiday themed episodes. I was actually single-handedly raised by the Disney Channel, so I'm an expert on all things related to the network. That's why I'm bringing you a full list of the specials you need to watch and re-watch, and probably re-watch again because, be honest, what else are you going to do over your break/vacation?
So, grab a pair of footie pajamas (no judgement), a massive blanket or snuggie (still, no judgement), and get ready to gear up on all the Disney Channel holiday episodes that will give you so much cheer, and joy, and holiday feelings, you'll be forced to go hug your family. Or help them decorate. Something like that, I don't know. It will lift your spirits though, I promise! (Plus, I told you I was an expert earlier, so pretty much, you have to believe me. I hold the key to your holiday nostalgia/spirit lifting at this point.)
1. Lizzie McGuire: "Xtreme X-mas"
This episode has all the things you look for in a Lizzie McGuire episode: a quirky elderly gentleman dressed as an elf that goes by the name of Nobby Frostybump (which, in retrospect, makes me uncomfortable), Lizzie trying to make a "Rock & Roll" Christmas float, Steven Tyler as Santa. All the usual stuff.
2. Lizzie McGuire: "Aaron Carter's Coming To Town"
Guess what happens in this one? Aaron Carter comes to town. That's really all you need to know. (Also, poor Gordo, amIright?!)
3. That's So Raven: "Escape Clause"
Raven, in typical Raven fashion, has a vision of receiving a necklace for Christmas and decides to open it early so she can wear it to school. But it ends up breaking, and drama? Oh, it ensues. There's also an elf suit involved somehow. Solid ep!
4. Even Stevens: "Heck of a Hanukkah"
Every moment that passes where you aren't watching Shia LaBeouf as Louis Stevens is a sad moment. Unfortunately, the "real world" or something of the sort stops you from doing this 24/7. That's why it's necessary you watch Louis, and all his holiday debauchery, come your holiday break. Also, you should be aware that this episode is a rewrite of It's A Wonderful Life, but replace George Bailey with Louis Stevens. In other words, this episode is perfect.
5. Kim Possible: "A Very Possible Christmas"
Oh, Ron. The lovable, selfless sidekick, Ron. In this episode, he offers Kim the gift of not having to save the world for one day, so she can spend time with her family. But, because he's Ron, things go awry, and she ends up having to save everyone. It's the thought that counts, I guess?
6. Phil of the Future: "Christmas Break"
A classic "Diffys go back in time once again" saga, to prove how truly #OTP Phil and Keely were. There's nothing inherently Christmas-y about this particular episode, except for the fact that that the sweet story between Phil and Keely involves a Christmas Tree topper. Still though, SO GOOD.
7. Suite Life Of Zack and Cody: "Christmas at the Tipton"
The whole gang gets trapped inside the Tipton hotel after the snow storm. The following is not a joke: Zack, Cody, and an expectant mother get trapped inside an elevator because of the storm, and the mother gives birth to a baby boy (not Jesus, unfortunately.)
Disney Channel holiday episodes. The gifts that keep on giving.
Images: Walt Disney Television Animation; apastlifeloveaffair, imnotwhiteimjewish/Tumblr