7 Questions You Need To Ask At The Gyno

If you're anything like me, my brilliant but scattered brain has a million questions for my gyno, and then when I get there, I can't think of a single one. I'm sure it's part anxiety, part being on the spot, and part my ridiculous fear that I'm wasting my doctor's time and being paranoid, but still, it happens. We're all works in progress right? I always meant to write them down, but for some reason, I never do.
I used to hold a variety of positions as Planned Parenthood, including getting their Responsible Sexuality Educator certification, so I've heard literally a million questions from the mundane to the downright bizarre. And I can tell you with one hundred percent honesty that no matter how weird, gross, or ridiculous, we always took the question seriously, treated you with kindness and answered it with real, practical information. Any gyno with even a shred of professionalism and caring will do the same.
Think of them less like questions and more like conversations that you will be having over a years-long relationship with your gyno. Establishing a baseline for what's normal for your body and monitoring changes over time is just as important as getting pelvic and breast exams.
1. So, Sometimes During Sex...
A lot of women think that the gyno can answer simple, basic sex questions, but that's it. Not true! I mean, you don't have to re-enact a porno in the table, but you'd be surprised to know how many sex questions have medical solutions. Your doctor can let you know what is and is not normal, and can even talk to you about things like healthy boundaries and how to say no. Setting up that trusting relationship is so beneficial to your overall health.
2. I Have This Weird Bump...
This is one of the most popular questions we got a the clinic. Most of the time, the bumps were ingrown hairs or cysts, which are easily treatable and nothing to worry about. Asking will get you an answer so you don't have to worry! And on the off-chance that you do have herpes lesions or some kind of rash, getting treatment now can keep things from getting worse in the future. Everyone, especially your genitals, is better off if you get that checked out. Especially if your doctor is already down there.
3. It Hurts When I...
When you experience pain during sex, or lower abdominal pain during routine activities, you could have a serious medical condition. If you ask your gyno about it, you might end up on the road to treatment and recovery. Pain isn't normal, and pain during sex is just unfair! Your doctor has heard all of these questions before, and is expecting them. It's not embarrassing for your doctor, and your doctor understands that it might be embarrassing for you.
4. My Birth Control Makes Me...
Don't suffer in silence! There are lots of different types of birth control methods with different and differing levels of hormones. If your method makes you a little bit sick or a little bit uncomfortable, that's not something you have to just suck up and deal with. And if your question is about how to use birth control, even if you think it's the most ridiculous question you could ever think of in a million years, ask! If you're not trying to get pregnant, you're not trying to get pregnant. That's the goal and it's your doctor's job to help you achieve that goal.
5. My Breasts Hurt When I...
Breast health is totally serious. Breast pain happens, and it can be totally normal. It can also mean there's a simple problem or a complex problem. This isn't a scare tactic to try to make you get a breast exam. This is just some important information to have. Since breast cancer is so often treatable when caught early, it's just as important when you're young to talk about breast health and monitor breast changes.
6. My Period Sometimes Has Me Like....
If your period is too heavy, there's a treatment for that. Really light? Could be luck, but could be a symptom of a health problem. If you get terrible cramps, there's a treatment for that. If your periods are irregular, there's a treatment for that. Women suffer needlessly because they're told their periods are just something they have to suffer. It's simply not true. If there's anything about your period that you can't deal with, your gyno can help. You can even take birth control to avoid having a period all together. So in a sense, yes, your gyno is the granter of wishes. Take advantage of this!
7. Can You Get Pregnant If...
Please ask! OMG. I know that the "am I pregnant" questions practically break Google on a daily basis, but your doctor isn't going to tell you that you can't get pregnant if you're on top or that you can get pregnant from oral sex. Your doctor went to medical school. Vagina medical school. That means lots of science. Science is your friend when it comes to pregnancy, and more specifically, avoiding pregnancy.
Keep a notebook if you must, but ask away! Some doctors even let you email them, which is often a life-saver when it comes to embarrassing gyno questions.