6 Tips To Fit Breakfast In Daily
We've all heard how important it is to eat breakfast in the morning, but many of us find ourselves rushing out the door without time to whip out the frying pan. Although it may seem difficult to commit to a morning meal everyday, there are certain tips that can help you fit in breakfast daily. Even if you're not a fan of cooking or you spend your mornings on-the-go, it's important you eat the right nutrients at the start of the day to ensure you'll feel good through the afternoon.
Studies from the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition found that people who ate a breakfast high in complex carbohydrates reported more energy and alertness throughout the day, and they felt more satiated and satisfied. Eating a daily breakfast can also help prevent heart disease and diabetes.
"Breakfast is truly an important meal and the reasons reach beyond the well-known notation of breaking your overnight fast," says Katie Cavuto, MS, RD to Bustle over email. "Sure, morning can be chaotic and rushed but with a little planning you can ensure you have healthy options available to eat at home or on the go."
If you're having trouble fitting in a meal first thing in the morning, consider these six tips that will help you eat breakfast everyday.
1. Prepare Smoothie Packets
It can be cumbersome to have to gather up your smoothie ingredients in the morning, but you can solve this be preparing baggies of fruits and vegetables and storing them in the freezer. "In the morning all you have to do is dump the packet into your blender, add water, blend, and you are out the door," says Cavuto. "Opt for a vegetable centric blend with plenty of satisfying healthy fats and proteins."
2. Bake A Batch Of Bars
Look for bar recipes that are low in sugar and rich in whole grains, healthy fats, fiber, and protein, and bake them at the beginning of the week to use each morning. "You can freeze some to use later in the month," says Cavuto. "Bars are great for on-the-run eating."
3. Go Nuts
"I always keep a jar of nuts and seeds in my fridge," says Cavuto. "Think almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and more." Studies from the University of Missouri-Columbia show that eating a protein-filled breakfast helps maintain blood sugar and reduces feelings of hunger.
4. Top Your Toast
"Think of toast as a vehicle for nutrient dense ingredients," says Cavuto. "One slice of whole grain bread can be wildly satisfying when your pile on the good stuff. Think avocado, nut butters with sliced fruits and a sprinkling of seeds, or even an egg. No time to cook an egg? Hard boil some so they are on hand for a standalone breakfast or a toast topper."
5. Cook A Make-Ahead Frittata
If you're more of a savory kind of person, make a veggie-filled frittata at the beginning of the week, which typically yields six to eight servings. Eating eggs for breakfast can help stave off hunger pains later in the day more so than eating a bowl of cereal.
6. Let Go Of Your Idea Of "Breakfast Foods"
"Abandon your ideas around 'breakfast' foods and just eat," says Cavuto. "Opt for a balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates in any form. Leftover chicken? Great! Grab a few ounces and gobble it down with a piece of fruit and you are good to go."
If you're still having trouble eating breakfast, it may be helpful to set your alarm five minutes earlier to set aside a designated time to fill up on something nutritious.
Images: Pixabay (7)