The Only Trump Chrome Extension You'll Ever Need
For those who haven't heard about John Oliver's 20-plus minute sketch on Donald Trump, featuring the hashtag, #BringDonaldDrumpfBack, he very openly alludes to an older variation of Donald Trump's last name. That is, of course, Drumpf. Drumpf's — I mean Trump's — own grandfather changed the name back to the arguably simpler form of the German name upon entering Ellis Island back in 1885. Now, Oliver has taken the fascination with Drumpf a step further with the creation of his Drumpfinator Chrome extension, a mechanism that replaces any instance where the word Trump is written with Drumpf. Genius. Here's how to install the Drumpfinator Chrome extension for anyone who needs to have it immediately.
Step one: get pumped at how much funnier your life is about to become. Step two: download Google Chrome, Google's signature web browser at this link. Step three: while using Google Chrome, click add to Chrome. A dialog will then appear to reveal what the extension can access. Step four: click add to allow the extension access the Chrome data and install. Step five: to use the extension, click the icon that will appear to the right of the address bar. Voila! It is downloaded!
If, by chance — but this won't ever happen, let's be real — you wish to uninstall the Drumpfinator Chrome extension, it is equally as simple as installation. Step one: click menu on the Chrome browser. Step two: select more tools, followed by extensions. Step three: on the chosen extension, click remove from Chrome. A confirmation notice will appear; click remove. If an extension has an icon in the Chrome toolbar, right-clicking on the icon and selecting remove from Chrome will uninstall the extension.
To manage extensions, go to chrome://extensions, and follow the instructions at the bottom of this link. The options are seemingly endless, like incognito mode and arranging the multitude of extensions a person must naturally own.
Why wouldn't anybody want to download this fantastic piece of political, Internet-browsing history? Take a look, give it a whirl, and rejoice in knowing that Donald Trump is probably irked by the existence of this nonsensical merrymaking device. Besides that, you'll never have to see his name in the news ever again, if that is the goal.
Whatever the ultimate objective, rejoice in knowing, at least, that John Oliver sends his virtual approval.