
Who Cares If Khloe Stole From Yahoo Answers?

by Arielle Tschinkel

Another day, another Kardashian controversy. This time, it involves Khloé Kardashian, and it has nothing to do with a nude selfie (that honor belongs only to Kim for now) or a controversial Instagram post. Nope, instead, Khloé Kardashian is under fire for possibly stealing tweets from Yahoo! Answers, of all places. For background, Kardashian has recently been taking to Twitter to ask her fans seemingly random, yet hilarious, questions that you've probably thought about, too. Her questions include: "Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?" (seriously, though) and "Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?" (a totally valid question). But alas, it seems that every thing one of the Kardashians does becomes a news story, so people are questioning Khloé's hilarious tweets.

BuzzFeed first questioned Kardashian's curious posts, pointing out the similarities between her tweets and questions posed by users on Yahoo! Answers and Quora, saying that "many of her tweeted questions seem to be lifted straight from Yahoo! Answers." It's important to point out that Kardashian never claimed these were her original thoughts, so maybe she's totally fine with people knowing these brain teasers didn't originate from her brain specifically.

Bustle has reached out to Kardashian's rep for comment on this super urgent issue, but has not yet heard back.

It seems like Kardashian is merely trying to connect with her fans and make them LOL a bit, and even if she did take the prompts from Yahoo! Answers, she's certainly not the first celebrity to take something from the Internet and post to her social media account. (And let's just remember, these are silly questions, not well-crafted jokes lifted from writers who crafted and honed them.) Three months ago, Britney Spears did something similar when she posted an image of grilled corn on her Instagram that was clearly lifted from Google Images and the general consensus was that it was hilarious. (Of course, it'd be a different story if Spears posted the photo and claimed that she made the delicious-looking corn herself. Instead, she merely said it was "honestly too good to be true," which kind of just proves that Spears didn't get to actually eat the corn in question.)

Kardashian, much like her famous family, is known for using Twitter to connect with her fans, frequently sending love to her nearly 20 million followers, and she always has a great sense of humor about life in general, so these questions seem to come from a place of wanting to spark a conversation with her fans. In fact, after another round of Twitter questions, Kardashian tweeted "I love your answers!!!! Thank you for making me better!"

I think this "controversy" is a non-issue, and Kardashian is just trying to have some fun by asking some valid questions... and it's really not a big deal if they did come from Yahoo! Answers originally. I have one question, and it's not nearly as funny as the ones Kardashian has posted as of late, but it needs to be asked: Can't we just let Kardashian live and be her funny self without thinking so far into it?

Khloé, you do you, girl. Keep asking those questions — I'm pretty certain I'm not the only one who finds them hilarious.