
Now You Can Turn Your Insta Into A Coloring Book

by Julie Sprankles

If you haven't stumbled upon the sheer joy that is adult coloring books yet, there's no moment like the present to take the plunge into this pastime — and what better way to do it than with a project that turns your Instagram into an adult coloring book? A brand spankin' new project called Color Me Book converts your favorite photographs into basic line drawings begging for color, making them magnificent works of art in the process. The brainchild of company founder-slash-Chief-of-Coloring Operations, Cory Will, this ingenious endeavor is perfect for pretty much everyone who likes to color... be it inside the lines or out.

As for the moment inspiration struck, Will tells Bustle via email it was a "typical lightbulb moment," elaborating, "My fiancé was using a coloring book, and I thought it would be a great idea to get a personalized one made with photos of our dogs, Briggs and Harlan. I was shocked I couldn't find it anywhere! I decided to make one myself and the reaction I got when I showed people was incredible — I had so many requests from friends and family that I decided to make a website and see what happened." What happened was Will quickly realized customized adult coloring books was just what grownass people the world over had been waiting for.

Since launching less than a week ago, Will's company has received orders from all over the United States as well as form Australia and the United Kingdom. While the rapid rate at which Color Me Book is going viral was a shocker for Will, the fact that people dig adult coloring books is not — he's been a fan for years. "Coloring is a great form of art therapy," he says. "It lets anyone who can color enjoy the benefits. I don't know who decided we had to stop coloring as adults, but I am pretty happy it is making a comeback. The fact that I can help this movement is unreal." Hear, hear, my good man.

So I'm sure you're dying for the deets, right? Here's how it works. When you head to the Color Me Book website, you can upload five photos of your own to create the original Personalized Adult Coloring Book because, real talk, we all know you've been waiting for the day you can get your Crayola on with all the goodness you've been 'gramming.

The five-page book will only set you back $25, and, hey-o, there's even more good news on that front. As of today, you'll be able to purchase even more pages for your coloring pleasure.

If your Insta is lacking panache these days or you just want to streamline the process, you can choose from three premade adult coloring books: Brunch-themed (think waffles and mimosas), festival-themed (think Coachella), and yoga-themed (think downward-facing dog). But, also, soon the world will be your proverbial personalized coloring oyster — just roll with me here — if Will has anything to do with it. When I asked about his plans to expand, he responded, "Definitely! We are going to be reaching out to charities, brands, and artists to collaborate and make limited edition Color Me Books."

Just when we thought life couldn't get any cooler. This. So much this.

Images: Courtesy of Color Me Book