Why This Bride Told A Bridesmaid To Dye Her Hair
Getting married is one of the most stressful times in a person's life — which is understandably why some brides go a little overboard with their demands. You're committing yourself to another person, legally, for life, so you can totally ask for a few extra things from your bridesmaids. Unfortunately, sometimes those little extra things can be quite a lot as in the case of this bridesmaid claiming she was asked to dye her hair for a wedding. As part of the bridal party, she was asked to go to a hair salon and dye her hair — all expense paid by the bride. Her Reddit post got an influx of responses and was even picked up by various news outlets.
It is customary for bridesmaids to bend under the requests of the bride regarding dress color, style and length. Weddings are so expensive. No wonder brides want fairytale venues and picture perfect dresses. This is a huge event that (hopefully) only happens once in a lifetime! But how far can that excuse push the wedding party? Sure, it's an expensive and important event, but can brides really request hair color changes from their bridesmaids? Isn't that going a little too far?
The woman in the story asked the internet for advice. She did this after double checking with the bride about the necessity of this step. The bride insisted that was something she needed to happen before the wedding. I don't even know what I would do in this situation. This is the original post:
The internet reacted accordingly. Most people agree that the demand is too much and that it's an unfair burden. Most have pointed out that the request is borderline bridezilla status.
For the first time in history, the internet's advice is pretty solid. Ask how necessary this step is and if the bride stands firm, ditch the wedding party. There is no point compromising over something that you don't want to do. Especially because, as the original post points out, the friendship is relatively new. With that in mind, there is an update to the story:
The woman will not be part of the wedding party, and was informed that there was, in fact, a reason why the bride wanted her to dye her hair: Apparently the groom has a "thing" for red hair. YIKES. I suppose if you are worried about your husband's attention swaying from you on your wedding day, though, you have bigger fish to fry than finding bridesmaids for your bridal party.
Hopefully these women remain friends and will put this whole thing behind them!
Images: Reddit, Pexels