
Maureen Had A Rough Time On 'OITNB'

Season 4 of Orange is the New Black was tough on a lot of its characters, but for newbie Maureen in particular. Though she ended Season 3 on a high note and with a possible girlfriend, things came crashing down soon after. Spoilers for all of OITNB Season 4 ahead. After she came on too strong, Suzanne left Maureen in the woods. Maureen harbored a grudge over this for much of the rest of the season, angry that Suzanne wouldn't just be hers. In a fit of rage, Maureen and Suzanne aka Crazy Eyes got in a fight after guards basically forced them to blows. And, once Suzanne got started, she just didn't stop hitting her. What happened to Maureen on Orange is the New Black was pretty sad, but it's also hard to blame Suzanne who was coerced, egged on, and, ultimately, doesn't really seem mentally stable enough to actually understand what she was doing until after the fact.

Still, Maureen landed in the hospital pretty beat up, and Suzanne was responsible for it. And, after pulling a bookshelf on top of her in a weird punishment for herself, Suzanne landed in the infirmary bed right next to her, equally injured. It's unfortunate things went from promising relationship to injured hospital buddies, but that's how OITNB rolls sometimes.

Maureen in general is a pretty odd character. We don't yet know why she's in prison, but whatever is in her file surprised even Caputo, so she's a creative criminal to say the least. It's also unclear how much of her behavior is an act and how much of it is actual mental instability. There are moments where she seems completely aware of what she's doing (like when she left Suzanne hanging during a sexual encounter to punish her), and there are other moments when she just seems naive and nice enough, if not a little overly attached.

While I'm interested in learning more about her backstory next season, I do think she and Suzanne should go their separate ways. They're just not good together.

Image: Netflix