13 Back-To-School Memes That Are Too Real

Where the heck does summer go? Every year it seems to slip through the fingers of students who are headed back to class in the fall, and these funny back-to-school memes demonstrate just how brutal it is when the end of August rolls around. There's nothing worse than packing away your summer wardrobe and stocking your backpack with pens, paper, and textbooks that are always too heavy to carry.
The seasons always sneak up, and the beginning of the school year is certainly no exception. One day you are working on your tan at the beach, and the next you're waiting for the bus at six in the morning so that you can go sit in a classroom for hours. It's not that school is actually that miserable, but the idea of summer ending is what truly makes things difficult. There's just something so magical about the summer season, and everything that it entails.
These hilarious memes cover everybody's feelings, from the teachers and the parents to the students and the graduates. Your perception changes as you get further along in life, but that same sentiment that comes along when having to say goodbye to summer doesn't change much. Even for those of us who don't technically have a "summer vacation," we remember the days when we did, and we totally, 100 percent get it.
This sentiment is all too real.
Spot on.
I wish I could tell this to my college-aged self.
Social media has changed the world.
Said every parent ever.
Ugh, what is it with teachers and Comic Sans?
If Beyonce was a teacher...
This is college in a nutshell.
This never gets less awkward.
I hate it when this happens.
Remember those summer reading lists?
Admit it — you're secretly pretty pumped.
Images: MemeCenter